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I've suffered fron depression for years buts its real badd right now the darkess is closing i in on me. I feel llike God is nowhere near me and at time i feel abanonded. I know God is there somewhere and can remoove the darkness froom round me. I almost felt that there was light earlir today listening to worrship music but now its faded. i can't string words together at the mo to form even simple prayers. please pray that God will help me
Bluehorse, I will be in prayer for you. I went thru a deep depression last year & it was almost consuming. I finally broke & talked to my chiropractor about it (she's a wonderful christian lady). She encouraged me to have a thorough evaluation, which I did. I was experiencing a hormonal imbalance among other things. Once we corrected some inbalances, I was able to sleep better & eat better & the darkness lifted.

I finally confided in some of my friends who prayed intensely for me & I was very careful to be in uplifting company..whether it be people, tv, or music. Nourish yourself with positive influences right now.

I do encourage you to be checked physically. Preferable by someone who doesn't automatically recommend drugs to help. I'm not saying they are bad - in fact they are extremely useful. But too many times, only prescriptions are given to deal with the symptoms when it would be better to correct the problems.

Keep us posted & please PM me if you want to talk privately.
Staff Member
I will pray for you sister. I hope the following Scripture will help you. Please meditate on this and put the worship music back on. They are very powerful (especially the instrumental ones)

Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

James 5:13-15
Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.
Bluehorse we lift you up before our Saviour today.I too suffer from depression and I know how frightening it can be. Look inward to Jesus to be right there with you through every moment of the day. Trust in your undoubted faith to see you through. Dont be afraid to ask for help.There are many support services who understand our illness and deal with us in a compassionate way.I pray the Lord will lead you to a place of healing. Look in your phone book and find your local association.In Ireland its called Aware.I dont know what the UK equivelant is but someone in your local citizens advice service will know. I urge you sister to remember that God will never abandon you and we will be praying for you.Reach out anytime you need me.
