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Children International: Protecting Something Precious


Staff Member
Feb 9, 2004
How far would you travel to build a better life for your child?

If you’re like most parents, no distance is too great. To find work, the Hernandez family moved their entire family of 10 from rural central Guatemala to a city on the outskirts of the country. Instead of prosperity, they found only more poverty.

The Hernandez family lives on the edge of a cliff in a one-room “house” made of corrugated metal and wood. The small home has a dirt floor and no potable water. One of the children – 6-year-old Lesley – is sponsored through Children International.

The children were sick throughout last winter, due to the unsanitary living conditions and exposure to the elements. Children International sympathized with the family’s struggles and provided materials to build a sturdier roof and a retaining wall. C.I. project staff feared that, without reinforcement, another harsh winter could cause the home to literally slide off the cliff.

Mrs. Hernandez can barely find words to express her gratitude. She said, “Now my children do not get sick anymore, and they have a cleaner place to play.”