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Calling all Intercessors!

(Chad did give me permission to post here, and to post this website.)

I have been in Washington D.C. for a little over a week now, praying and inteceding for the unborn. I am with a group called the Cause. This group was originated by Lou Engle. I want to tell you a little about what we do here.

We have 24/7 intercession. We go and stand in front of the Supreme Court, and U.S. Capitol building daily and pray. We pray that God would rise up out of this generation, righteous leaders in our Senate. That Samuel Alito would be voted in, and be a man of wisdom from God in the Senate. We also pray that Roe V. Wade will be overturned and abortion in America will be ended.
We stand forming a wall, in silent prayers with red tape on our mouths that says LIFE. Our silence, and not being able to talk represents the silent screams of the unborn who were aborted. The red tape represents the innocent blood that was shed.

When we arent at the Supreme Court, we are two blocks away in a house of prayer, interceding for America. I believe with all my heart, this is the generation to start the revival in America.

I want to invite anyone who is interested in joining this team to do so. Or if you just want to know more about it. We have a website that will give you all the information you need to know. If you have a hunger for ending this issue, or for interceding for our nation, please come. If you don't have a hunger, I pray God would place a hunger in you. He did me.

If you are interested please visit

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I untersdant the moment you are in.
I work at one of the Highest Court of my Country and i know what means the momemt you are passing trow.
We also had the same problem in Brazil, we children that born with grate health problem, and them intended to stool there right of living.
And we have win and you will also win.
I will be praying