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Bobbie has been in and out of the hospital - related to

Bobbie has been in and out of the hospital - related to an infection that she picked up after her second operation.

I am not sure how much you know, but to give you a recap of the last month....Bobbie went into the hospital in early March to have surgery on the area where cancer was detected in January (luckily, her cancer has been identified as Stage 1 and no chemo or radiation should be necessary; she will need to be checked every 3 months for awhile). They needed to be sure that they "got in all" when they went in the first time to remove the tumor. After that 2nd operation in early March, she developed a major area of infection. It has taken much to get rid of the infection, and she is still fighting it now. She was hospitalized again on Monday of last week because they wanted to use intravenous antibiotics on her plus reopen the area so it would drain better. Needless to say, this has all been very painful for Bobbie, let alone disruptive to her life. She has not been able to sit or stand for several weeks. She did come home from the hospital April 2nd, with lots of meds and the hope for better sleeping. She is able to stand now, but sitting is still very painful.

Bobbies’ circle sisters were aware of some of these issues but not all. We are in need of spiritual comfort and would like her placed on the prayer list and have a possible visit.

Richard Causey
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Praying for comfort, healing, & protection for Bobbie.

May Doctor Jesus make things right again as only He can.