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"beauty of the lilies" and other poems . . .

beauty of the lilies
and the daisies

kissing mist
upon the waters
of the harbor

filtered sunshine
sharing caring
warmly daring

glances of the
dancing waves
washing in the foam
in my troubles

"in the presence
of my enemies"
I have this table
before me
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"Gourmet Alley"

Beneath the morning sky's blue sea
. in dumpster alley land,
the mighty man of history
. is now the garbage man

who shoulders-to those big steel bins
. to feed his Mighty Mack
who munches down a ton of trash
. and says, "That's quite a snack!"

Mack plays bins like accordions,
. snaps light poles just like toothpicks,
in early morn comes roaring in . . .
. the world's biggest alarm clock >

in this bedroom of homeless poor >
. rats scatter in Mack's lights
like sparks before a bellows' roar,
. as morning softens night.

Then through this straight and narrow way
. we all may freely pass,
if we but share in love gourmet - -
. that's humble, with no class (o:
"The Snow Job"

Now that I'm on top of this hill,
my face is being stung
by swarms of snowflakes
busy making the hilltop
bedtime blanket of white.
And there - - down in the distant night,
I see a light, and it is getting bigger
and then splits into *two* lights;
so it is getting closer . . .
coming at me
in a swirling cloud of white.
Then I hear the mighty engine's
rumbling accompanied by a muffled
grumbling of the blade scraping asphault,
tumbling dirt and snow from the way.
So, no . . . it's not a ghost, but the
WOW-plow passing by (o:
But it is coming straight toward *me*;
so I hurry to get off the road,
stumbling until I have waded
up to my thighs in the roadside drift . . .
where still I am
right in the path of that swath.
But the truck turns out and around me,
then stops (all the power and authority,
and He s-t-o-p-p-e-d, for *me*!)
Then the passenger door swings open >
"Com-ON, get IN!!" He calls; so I
trip and scurry to the passenger door,
where I need to kneel on the running board,
before I can crawl and haul myself
up into the passenger seat;
and here I am
kissed by the warmth of the cab,
while treated to the intriguing delight
of seeing all that blowing coldness
of this world's flaky snow job
*now* being bounced from
right before my eyes,
while I just rest and ride
with the Master at the wheel (o:

"'Come to Me,
all you who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and
learn from Me,
for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy
and My burden is light.'" (Matthew 11:28-30)
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"Soul Prayer"

humble humble humble
not for status
I've been knocked down a little
but it may be
down lower is where I need to be
thank You for how You
take me, now
And I am to likewise
take each and every person
just as he or she is (c:
like You have done with me