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Battle Cry

I stand here nurturing my
wounds as the old ones heal.
I have won the battle but
the war is far from over.
I try to forget about the past
and prepare for another battle.
The fire
The furry
The everlasting love
The everlasting peace
The forgiveness
The wisdom
Of God is upon me
I stand here deep rooted
in my faith with nothing
trying to shake me down.
I hear the war cry and the
trumpets sound.
I strap on my armor and
my sword without hesitation.
I go out onto the battle field
not without love and faith.
I hear the battle cry after trumpet
has sound the battle has begune.
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I go out onto the battle field
not with love and faith.

Now that is a muse of conciderable gravity. There is love and faith, and there is not love and faith. Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief. The press of the battle field makes it heavier. Is this how God finishes the good work he has already begun? Thanks Kaibeto.
xDICEx said:
I go out onto the battle field
not with love and faith.
Now that is a muse of conciderable gravity. There is love and faith, and there is not love and faith. Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief. The press of the battle field makes it heavier. Is this how God finishes the good work he has already begun? Thanks Kaibeto.
I had writen it in a hurry didn't even re-read it for errors
Well, It had a meaning bro befor you changed it. I was not critisizing it. Life is like that: I was just pondering how profound that discrepancy is: we are more critical of ourselves than our Lord is, and at the same time we are less critical than our Lord is; we have love, yet we don't have love; we have faith, yet we don't have faith. I was thanking you for the profitable nature of that muse. Even when you make mistakes bro you are a poet...now that is the grace of God. Thanks again Kaibeto; I need men like you to watch my back; the battle presses.