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Baptist doctrine?

Thiscrosshurts: I totally agree with not being able to see Jesus. However if there are Apostles' today can we name a few? How do we know an Apostle today, and what are their qualifications to be one. What to they do? Do they say "I am an Apostle" or are they chosen, and by whom? Blessings.

I would agree with previous comments that most apostles are not so vocal about their ministry like the TV evangelists, their goal is not to promote themselves or their ministry but build the Body of Christ. We are used to seeing mega preachers promote themselves or their ministry , books, materials, DVD's, anointed prayer cloths, holy water from the river Jordan etc etc lol.. but those who take the way of the cross are not like this. Their reward is from God not man.

But to give a clear example I would have to say Brother Yun is one still alive today, who had a miraculous escapes from Chinese prison, once or twice I think.. like Peter did in the Bible , and whose ministry has resulted in numerous believers in China and outside China...thousands..hundreds of thousands? He wrote a fairly well known book "The Heavenly Man". I saw him live in person preach once and he is the real deal. In prison he fasted without food or water for 74 days, and is the only person to have escaped the maximum security facility he was held in. His testimony is confirmed by his fellow prisoners. He has had a clear calling on His life from God and his miraculous experiences and the numerous converts from his ministry confirms this. So we can say without much doubt he is an apostle.

Billy Graham too would be an apostle, Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer etc.
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I would agree with previous comments that most apostles are not so vocal about their ministry like the TV evangelists, their goal is not to promote themselves or their ministry but build the Body of Christ. We are used to seeing mega preachers promote themselves or their ministry , books, materials, DVD's, anointed prayer cloths, holy water from the river Jordan etc etc lol.. but those who take the way of the cross are not like this. Their reward is from God not man.

But to give a clear example I would have to say Brother Yun is one still alive today, who had a miraculous escapes from Chinese prison, once or twice I think.. like Peter did in the Bible , and whose ministry has resulted in numerous believers in China and outside China...thousands..hundreds of thousands? He wrote a fairly well known book "The Heavenly Man". I saw him live in person preach once and he is the real deal. In prison he fasted without food or water for 74 days, and is the only person to have escaped the maximum security facility he was held in. His testimony is confirmed by his fellow prisoners. He has had a clear calling on His life from God and his miraculous experiences and the numerous converts from his ministry confirms this. So we can say without much doubt he is an apostle.

James1523: I have heard himwith a translator a year or so ago. You example is a breath of fresh air, I would agree that he would be called an Apostle! Thank you that's all I wanted to know. Blessings.
