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Bad breath?

How do you tell someone nicely they have bad breath and need to go to the dentist for their gingivitis?
The thing is you dont. but if you want to, go ahead and say it to his face. He or she then decides weether or not to take it likely. if H/she does, okay, but on the contrary, i urge you to apologise and reconcile.
Alternatively,say it in a form of an avice. if it relly is that bad then a wise person would take adequate steps.
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Staff Member
Send them an anonymous email, but even so anonymous let the message be sincere and gentle. More of a "fyi" to them.
Send them an anonymous email, but even so anonymous let the message be sincere and gentle. More of a "fyi" to them.

LOL this just sounds so funny! How do I remain anonymous??? LOL oh I feel so bad just talking about it! :embarasse
I think its best that the person does know ( once out of love ) I think a lot of people are looking for bleeding gums as a sign and bad hygiene as the result, when there could be other factors.

Recently I realize a bad taste in my month, I was really surprise and had it check. Because of that detection, I discovered a tiny tonsil stone ( can be multiply, and vary in size ). One of the ways it is form is breathing through the mouth, allowing bacteria to stick to the tonsils.

Last month my family started asking me why was I breathing heavy, and the topic of asthma came up, so I started breathing through my mouth to make my breathing less noticeable. The last week at work I was organizing the stock room, breathing in all that dust and bacteria, and not realizing the effect it was having.

With the stone gone I had to Admit the problem with my breathing, I found out my inferior turbinates are swollen (result of allergies), which is blocking my nasal passage.

Sometimes when we ignore things, we actually affect other areas of the body. hopefully the swelling of my Nasal conchae go down, I dont want to go under the knife..

Its best that the person knows, because the body could be saying “Quit ignoring me, something is wrong “

There is more to it than gingivitis, like a person who constantly has a cold will have bad breath because of the nasal drip, which is mucus settling behind the mouth. And the products selling on the shelve, actually assist because they contain alcohol which dries the mouth.
Also diet, undigestible protein could be the cause. Snoring also causes bad breathe it forces air over oral and throat tissues.

If the person is a friend, they would take it in love.
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Give them a mint or piece of gum everyday and they might take the hint after awhile. lol or just tell them nicely. "Hey, I don't mean to be rude, but you have some bad breath sometimes." I don't think someone would dislike you for that. Just make sure it's just you and the person with no one else around when and if you tell them.
I think it all depends how close you are to that person, if you are close enough you can just say as Brother Cody said "Hey, I don't mean to be rude, but you have some bad breath sometimes."

You could very tactfully get onto the subject of dentists, by asking who their dentist is, maybe you are considering changing yours. This is not an uncommon question. Whatever response you get, you can go along with it and the door is wide open for you to promote good oral hygiene and the value of seeing a dentist regularly.

You could also pull out some floss or some other tooth cleaning tool and promote how much it helps your mouth to feel clean and fresh and your gums healthy. My friend recently showed me a new type of tooth pick and it is the coolest thing. hmm maybe she was trying to tell me something. But you could do something similar. You could offer one of those listerine strips, and just promote how much it helps you to feel confident that your breath smells good. I am sure there is a tactful way of getting around this.

If it is a really good friend, I mean really close, then you probably could get away with saying to them bluntly that their breath smells, and tell them to floss and rinse out with listerine. I know I would with my close friend.

Bad breath is more often due to an unhealthy diet, it begins in the gut. Eating parsley has a positive effect on bad breath. You could offer them a sprig!!!

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Thank you for all your advice! It's just so hard because this person is reallyyyyy close to me; they're part of my immediate family!!! I don't want to hurt their feelings.

I told them their stuffy nose and bad breath might be linked. Then they got upset and defensive by saying "I don't always have bad breath!".

I've tried talking to them about it numerous times and everytime they get so defensive. I do everything with love but sometimes I just want to yell at them because they are in denial!

I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the advice!!!
Because it can be important

Believe me, I know how defensive people can be. I spent the better part of two years trying to get an ex boyfriend to see a doctor about symptoms he was having. When he *finally* went, he discovered he had diabetes.

Halitosis (chronic severe bad breath) can have a lot of causes. But if it seems to be something this person has *every* time you see them, then it could be a symptom of something more serious than even gingivitis. One of my dad's symptoms was halitosis...and he was eventually diagnosed with throat cancer.

The breath is linked to the digestive system, and the digestive system accounts for a full 70% of a person's immune system. If this person not only has really bad/sour breath, but also has a "coated" tongue (looks like it has white cream/fuzz on it, then they may have thrush, or some other infection.

There is a LOT of research linking this problem to a *very* increased chance of heart attack or stroke. There is also research linking problems in the mouth to problems with the rest of the immune system -- and you mentioned the person being stuffed up.

If this person were being exposed to something that was severely taxing his/her immune system, the symptoms might manifest as halitosis, with sinus and ocular complications (itchy watery eyes). Let it get bad enough and you could see skin reactions like hives, but if it's something they are eating that is slowly toxifying them, maybe not.

Anyway I AM NOT A DOCTOR, so I can't diagnose anything or offer any treatment (without being sued hehe). But I strongly suggest you try at least one last time to convince this person to see a doctor, because it sounds like he/she has a condition that just brushing the teeth and tongue alone won't cure.

God bless,
Janette, that is some interesting information.

Trulyblezzed, I think maybe do a search on linking bad breath to some of the serious health conditions that Janette has posted above. Print out the information that you find and give it to this family member and just say I love you very much and care about your health. They can either accept the information and consider something needs to be done, Or they can reject it. It is all you can do and then you will just have to never mention the subject again.

By the way, have other people noticed the bad breath and have said anything to you or the person?

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Hey Hunny

When i was a teenager i had a close friend, and her breath was off the scale ,it got to the stage were i found myself defending her on a regular basis ,when others were talking behind her back,

I knew telling her would hurt her feelings, but not telling her was worse as others were treating her very badly ,i pulled her aside one day and sat her down, i just said it straight and yes she was hurt but she was also grateful to be told the truth, she ensured she chewed mint gum and also got some spray stuff if it got bad, it got to the stage were she would ask me to smell her breath to check it lol.

I was worried about telling her but i did it cause i cared about her , telling someone something this personal is best done to their face so you can comfort them if they get upset

God Bless and Much Love xxxxxxxxxxxxx