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Anxiety / Panic Attacks - My 5 steps to reduce the symptoms

Caution: I'm not a specialist. The article down below is all about my own opinions and experience. Don't diagnose yourself. Let professionalist do this for you.

Every disease has own source. Maybe it's trauma, difficult childhood, emotional immaturity, drugs etc. Sometimes it's more specific and your anxiety is only a symptom of something different.

To do list:
1. Blood tests
basic + extended panel including:
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
Vitamin D

Why? Vitamin D can help improve your mood. Low blood levels of vitamin D are linked to more signs of depression. The electrolyte imbalance, thyroid gland disorders or low levels of Calcium (Tetany) can give you similar symptoms to anxiety like cardiac arrhythmias, muscle pain, spasms in muscles, cramps, numbness, trembling, heavy breath, diaphoresis, dizziness, dry mouth or tingling, tiredness etc.

2. Diet plan

Your gut is smarter than your brain. Eating low carbs and more veggies is not enough. Choose organic products because of beneficial nutrients - higher levels of antioxidants and minerals. Quality is the key.

3. Self Therapy

• aromatherapy - the benefits of essential oils are endless (I will prepare individual article soon). Orange, lavender, lemon, pepper mint can help you to calm your nerves, boost your energy and relieve stress.

• music therapy - natural sounds like birds, wind, waterfall helps us relax. It can also elevate mood and stimulate your nervous system and activity of your brain.

4. Take responsibility for your life

Stop blaming and complaining. Work on your self-esteem. It will make your life easier and better. Relationship with yourself will get better too.

5. Practice gratitude

I have a gratitude journal and everyday I write ten things I appreciate in this special day. Gratitude helps feel more positive emotions and focus on the better part of life.

P.S. and don't forget to pray. ;)

Pray - Believe - Expect - Achieve