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Am I lost to Addiction and Depression ?


May 14, 2005
I have come to this website as a desperate measure in search of answers to my ongoing problem with drug addiction and depression. I dont know which one came first, only that I can't separate the two right now. Unfortunately I work in a professional capacity and cannot seek professional help for either problem as the chances of losing my job are almost certain. God is my only hope, and Ive prayed so much Im beginning to wonder if God was a figment of my imagination in the first place. Somewhere deep within I know thats not the case, but doubts of Gods power and capacity to help plague me. I see so many other threads posted with problems that are probably more significant than this one, but Im right in the middle of this and can't see a way out. I really need some help or at the very least a prayer. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to respond or pray for me or both.
I know you can make it

Reading your thread reminded me a little of myself. I arrived here in March in a frantic state after prayer on prayer and I truly believe God brought me here like he brought you. So yes your prayers are being answered.

Stay here and as strypes says in seeking you will truly find. I work in a profession with great responsibility too and so empathise with your predicament. You will be encouraged here.... it's so warm, stay here, join the community, get in the chat rooms, grow, heal and see the way forward.

You've got a friend in Jesus .... waiting to hold you even closer.

I'm praying ... Love in Christ

Peace be with you xx
ahhh yes the good old doubt trick... i have been fighting this more and more the closer i get to god... like you i am fighting depression due to being a raging drunk and getting addicted to it.. but christ is pulling me through it and the enemy isn't happy at all about it..

here is the verse i have been standing on..

luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

what is so powerful about this verse is that jesus has given us the power to overcome all odds be it earthy problems or attacks from the enemy.. and notice that it says "to tread on" well we cant very well tread on anything unless we get up and move in faith. being depressed and sitting around doing nothing thinking about our problems will not help us.. we must rise up and walk forward in faith always keeping our eyes on christ and all things that stand in our way will fall under our feet through the power of christ.

pray and ask god to give you mental clarity and rebuke the mind binding demons that attack you in the name of jesus.
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Strypes, Sleepy, S.O.G and The Drew, Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your kindness in taking the time to pray for me and to post these thoughtful replies. I was in tears by the time I finished reading them. I will hang around here for awhile at least for certain. I will also say that Ive prayed, used scripture to bind the enemy Ive been prayed for, I even joined the church choir for awhile. Ive been "slain" in the holy spirit (as they call it) more than once. I have no idea why I can't seem to banish this demon from my life. Its a nightmare. I could say with all the sincerity I know possible that I want to be free of my addiction and depression more than anything. I dont know why the usual paths to finding freedom mentioned in the bible havent been effective in this case, but once again I thank you for caring. I will soldier on.
Good, Good .. . soldier ON :love:
Dont ever give up!!!
Take time for research take time for reading and finding out about your probs, take time to sit with Jesus and let him snuggle with you, take time to read posts and threads and replies. . ..
Just never forget: Dont let your Heart get addicted to anything different than our Lord and Saviour from all Problems: Jesus!
He will help you solve every single one of them. . Take your time with him. . ..bring him one little problem after the other and let Him heal you in T-I-M-E :love:
We will keep praying for you! Hope to meet you in Live Chat sometime, peeps
toohumble, God`s Word is not just the path to freedom, it is LIFE to all of us who believe. The Word is your only lifeline between you and God. Most Christians do not receive immediate deliverance from addictons and bondage (somehow I think for most of us that would be making it too easy for us, which in turn would make it too easy to go back too) And too many Christians neglect the Word, (something I have oft been guilty of as well) and wonder why they have no strength to overcome the obstacles we all must face in our walk with God. These obstacles might come in different sizes, and have different appearances, but the solution to overcoming them is the same for every one of us! Get into the written pages of the Word, and fill your heart and mind with the truth serum it contains. Meditate upon Him, and His words, as you relax, as you work, as you play. Consider the Word to work like a blood transfusion. As the Word is being pumped into our minds, the thing that is making us 'soul sick' is being filtered out. We know Jesus Christ to be the Living Word, as the written and Living Word fills your heart, your soul, your mind, you will begin to see a change happening in you, a restoration of life! It is not our job to slay our 'dragons', but He only asks us to draw close to Him, our deliverer, our Saviour!
Do you really want Gods deliverance more than anything Brother? That`s the ultimate place to be! God will let a man struggle until he finally gives up and says "there`s nothing more I can do to help myself!"...then God says..."Ah...now let`s see what I can do!" :wink:

Jer 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find [me], when ye shall search for me with all your heart

Psa 119:9 How may a young man make his way clean? by guiding it after your word.

Psa 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Psa 119:16 I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.

Psa 119:50 This [is] my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me.

Psa 119:67 Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word.

Psa 119:148 Mine eyes prevent the [night] watches, that I might meditate in thy word.

Psa 119:172 My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments [are] righteousness.

Jer 15:16 Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.
Real Pro

Dear TOO Humble,
I will be praying for you.I to have been fighting addiction for years,But I give my problems to a real professional Jesus Christ.With out him I might be dead now.Read col:3-1and2...
:love: JOSEPHSCOAT............
You are loved, right around the world we hear you and love you. I know it is easy to feel but you dont know me, however, we share the same spirit, the spirit of God. I have found during tough times i felt too bad or dirty to be loved or responded too by God. How missled i was, i was trusting my senses rather than my heart. Because the glimmer of hope was given to me about 5 years ago, i was about to take a surgical knife across my wrist. Then a very slight glimour of hope came into my heart, satan wants the people of God to be so destroyed by his lies that we eventually take our own lives. I believe in Jesus and from knowing Him i now understand and see His compassion, and love and pain for His hurting people.

I agree with the above messages. I was employed as a field operations engineer for Sky, the money was every good, and the perks, but why was i crying and feeling deeply lost. I eventually realised this path was not for me, i was missing church and fellowship, and thats what i needed. Because i go to church not because i think i can change God attitude to me, but i go to change my atitude to God, in praise, worship, weakness, and strength.

Jesus loves you and His power is in you, try not to doubt dont give satan a foot hold, and dont doubt yourself. God made you as an individual with qualities and skills, dont be ashamed of who you are or what you have achieved. Jesus loves you for who you are not what you do or can do.

Read John 14 - 15 - and - 16, the chapters where Jesus is reviewing His teaching to the 12, because Jesus knew He was about to be given up. He wanted to prepare His first deciples for the battle of life.

John 14, 15 and 16. (meditate on them, if you know how to worry about problems you know how to meditate, you just swap the worry for the word in you mind).

Loving you in Jesus always.
Hi There,

May you continue to be encouraged in the Lord!

From what I hear you say, I think you are dealing with the demonic end of this question perhaps without realizing that the root of the whole thing is in the old man, the old nature, that old sinful nature ---Old response patterns that we learned in coping with life that do not line up with God. That old nature is crucified with Christ. Then we have to die daily to it. No easy job! However, if you will meditate on Galatians 2:20 it will really help. The life you live now you live by faith in the Son of God. He is coming through you and for you. You can begin to thank the Lord for coming through you with strength. Begin to rejoice over who he is in you etc.

If you will study Romans chapters 6-8 that should bring some light to the situation. Pray it through and let the Holy Spirit minister to you. You see we can concentrate on a problem so much that it actually gains strength in us because our minds are on the flesh, the sinful nature - whatever your version of the Bible calls it. When our minds are on those old response patterns we are aiding and abetting them! Instead our minds must be on the Lord and in his Word. Our members of the body moment by moment are given over to God. When we fail we repent and start again! And we are encouraged by the presence of the Lord.

I don't know but it sounds as if you are caught in a vicious circle. You can step out of it.

Being slain in the Spirit is sometimes a sign that the Holy Spirit is present in abundance but it does not necessarily mean deliverance. You will get deliverance from the torment of the enemy as you walk in the Spirit and experience death to the flesh. I have had experience with the different manifestations of the Spirit now for many years. And have counseled many. Always it is death to self and then deliverance. That can come at the same time in the same meeting. But usually it takes some living out.

God's blessings to you.
Anyway I can help just let me know by personal message.
Reading your post makes my heart hurt. I can empathize with you. I have been there. Not with drugs, but the suicidal depression that followed a painful divorce. I know how it feels to cry out to God and feel like he doesn't even hear you. I used to get very angry at God. If you are in Jesus, he has never left you. I can't give you a timeline for your deliverance, but I can promise you one thing: Jesus will bring you through this. I am going to lay on my bed and cry out to the Lord for you now. You are loved.

God bless,

God bless you and sorry for my two week late reply. I missed the thread. I will pray for you. I've been there before myself and understand your position as many others do as well. I used to love getting high with my friends and it became an addiction, eventually realising that I hated this addiction it led to "annoyed" depression so to speak. I was thinking of the two uncles that died of lung cancer, did not want to be third strike out myself. I was decievde so much, I thought I was king of the hill, power of every hour, etc.

All I can say it JESUS CHRIST broke the chain of addictions and made me new, restored, renewed (again) - rejuvenated, stronger, healthier, wiser, joyful. All Jesus Christ, all glory to GOD right there on.

I know you can break this and already I feel in my heart your getting healed. You have a tremendously beautiful family in Christ right here at Talk Jesus.

Romans 8:31
What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Luke 8:50
Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, "Don't be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed."

Matthew 9:22
Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment.
You're in my prayer's for sure ! The hardest way to get free is by not accepting the fact that there is a problem to begin with . If you ever need to talk or need prayer , give me a chance . And together we will seek the healing power of God for you're Life ! Mike
toohumble said:
I have come to this website as a desperate measure in search of answers to my ongoing problem with drug addiction and depression. I dont know which one came first, only that I can't separate the two right now. Unfortunately I work in a professional capacity and cannot seek professional help for either problem as the chances of losing my job are almost certain. God is my only hope, and Ive prayed so much Im beginning to wonder if God was a figment of my imagination in the first place. Somewhere deep within I know thats not the case, but doubts of Gods power and capacity to help plague me. I see so many other threads posted with problems that are probably more significant than this one, but Im right in the middle of this and can't see a way out. I really need some help or at the very least a prayer. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to respond or pray for me or both.

I am sorry this is late, I havent been on in a day or two. What you have just said really spoke to me. Let me just tell you this, if God was a figment of your imagination, and you doubted God, you would have never posted. You have faith, and it only takes faith the size of a mustard seed to move your unmovable mountains. People cry out to God with their problems waiting for an instant fixing, but what they don't understand is, God may not move in your timing, but He knows what He is doing. I doesnt matter where you are in your walk with God, what you are doing, and what time of the day it is, God will be with you until the very end. He promised us that in His word. Please hold on to the truth. The way I see it, it is not only a problem you are having with your flesh, it is a problem you are having with your spirit. I feel this in my spirit, and I see you crying out because you are miserable. It does not have to be that way. I do not know you or your where you are standing in the spiritual realm, but I know that Jesus can heal your pain. He will keep you, even when you feel like letting go.

I'm praying for you, and I know God will move for you because, you have already came this far. You told us your problem for a reason. God may have moved on you to do that, but whatever happens, I wish the best for you, and like I said, I am praying for you.

God Bless
Sis in Christ :love: