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A little about me

Sorry for takeing up 3 threads in one night but just thought i would tell you a little about my backround.
Hi my name is Justin and Im a 25 year old man who lives in Toronto with my girlfriend (commonlaw). I have dedicated my life to God and our Lord Jesus Christ about 3 months ago but my girlfriend has not. If you asked anyone who knows me they would probably tell you that there very surprised to see me as a Christian.(I am to).
If it were not for Jesus and fogiveness, I would have alot of redeeming to do for my life time of sins. But I am hungry for truth and knowledge and could never go back. Not to say that i have changed my whole life but im working on it for the glory of God. Still having a hard time letting go of my flesh needs
but i know that who ever tries to keep their life will lose it and who ever gives it up will gain it.
Im still learning and would love to hear and learn somethings from a believers point of view. Hit me up if you want to chat about your story, here more about mine or whatever.
Bless Out Brethren.

The new Justin
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Welcome to the winning side justin....I can identify with you brother due to my being a young christian (only been saved 3 years). I to have seen Gods glory work in my life when I choose to let him lead and let go of self. May this path your on bring you and your significant other closer under the love of our savior Jesus Christ.

Sincerely your Brother in Christ,