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I have tried to start two threads in this forum. Both threads were deleted apparently by a moderator, and did not appear publically.

I would like for the moderator to identify him(her)self and explain why - in a private conversation.
Staff Member
No need for you to demand a private conversation @douggg

Posts go to moderation if they contain links to other sites.

They are also filtered in other ways dependent upon content.

The moderation team are able to choose whether or not to accept a post that has gone into moderation without question,
No need for you to demand a private conversation @douggg

Posts go to moderation if they contain links to other sites.

They are also filtered in other ways dependent upon content.

The moderation team are able to choose whether or not to accept a post that has gone into moderation without question,
Okay that explains it. I had done a copy and paste from another forum for part of the post which had links embedded for the scriptures when referenced. I will try again, doing everything without copy and pasting.

The moderation team are able to choose whether or not to accept a post that has gone into moderation without question,
Do you mean without explanation to the poster?