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Why did God allow the Holocaust?

I think the more people studied for themselves , and held their own opinion the world would be a better place, rather than believing the History they are taught to believe. I have nothing else to add, I have made my opinion clear.

I agree that people should not accept a populist view of history. By populist I mean the accepted or politically correct view of history. That is why we are required to study history, or used to be. Many view Hitler as satan incarnate who climbed out of hell and found his way to Germany to kill all the Jews. Such a view is of course false. He was a product of his time. That satan used and fueled the anti-semitism of that day, no doubt. And if you ever have seen any of Hitler's speeches, which most have, he certainly seems possessed at times of another spirit.

I too think if any is concerned over the question of the holocaust they should do their own study. That means, don't just listen to a video presentation. Go and check the references that are given. The holocaust happened at a time when records were kept on everything. Even though many were destroyed by the Nazi's to try and hide their responsibility, they didn't get them all.

The Nurmemburg trials are a good place to start. They were not used just to find the leaders guilty of crimes. They were also used to find out exactly what had happened. So many documents. So many eyewitnesses.

So, for you to say the holocaust is just some conspiracy theory by the Jews, flies in the face of reality. It is not a theory that the Jews would invent at that time. There was nothing in Israel for them. They were doing very well in Europe. In fact, I don't believe mankind is capeable of putting such historical events together to cause what occured in the days of WWII. Nor would he want to.

The only One who can move history like that is God. satan may influence as much as he can, and he does. But God is the One who directs and oversees it all. Man sometimes views history and thinks these things must have been orchestrated by someone. And he is right. But it is not by man.

I think of these verses a lot when it comes to the Holocaust. That next it will be on everyone.

Romans 2:9

Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

Romans 1:16

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
I think of these verses a lot when it comes to the Holocaust. That next it will be on everyone.

Romans 2:9

Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

Romans 1:16

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

What do these verses have to do with the holocaust?

What do these verses have to do with the holocaust?

The mark of the beast. The numbers etched unto their arms. Now we all have SSN and everyone is known by a number. The whole world will be slaughtered by the mark of the beast unless they take its number. Then everyone who takes the number or mark will be cursed to death by the plagues of God. First the Jews get the holocaust, then the whole world will be holocausted by the Beast.
The mark of the beast. The numbers etched unto their arms. Now we all have SSN and everyone is known by a number. The whole world will be slaughtered by the mark of the beast unless they take its number. Then everyone who takes the number or mark will be cursed to death by the plagues of God. First the Jews get the holocaust, then the whole world will be holocausted by the Beast.

That has nothing to do with 'why' God allowed the Holoacust.

As I've been reading through this thread, it amazes me. Well -- lots of people want to deny that the holocost happened. It's hard to believe that mankind is capable of that kind of horrible treatment to other human beings.

Because of the Fall, eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Mankind is capable of much Good and much EVIL.

And, I'd been surprised when I found out some years ago that Hitler was actually elected -- he was one of three candidates running for office. He was elected. And then he turned Evil. The Germans went after the Jews. The Diary of Ann Frank is based on the holocoste -- I have that book.

Why the Jews? Jesus was a Jew. Back in Bible times -- wasn't it King Herod who set out to have all Jewish babies two years or and under to killed --- Trying to prevent Jesus from growing up to be the promised Messiah. They are God's Chosen People. And I'm thinking that Jewish people are some of the most intelligent people in the world.

The Jews Also rejected Jesus Christ as their promised Messiah. Salvation was extended to the Gentiles.

Maybe God allowed the holocoste To happen is so we could see just how sinful mankind Really is. And how strong the human spirit Is under horrible situation. And we don't know how many people came to Christ through / as a result Of that horribleness. And there were many who were willing to hide Jews to protect them.