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Word for Today / Handling Loneliness

Staff Member
Handling Loneliness

‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ Hebrews 13:5 NIV

Somewhere beyond loneliness, there’s a contentment that’s born of necessity. When all your options in the natural realm seem closed, doors can spring open in the spiritual realm. That’s when you begin to see the possibility of having the kind of relationship with God you never had before. John was alone on the island of Patmos, a penal colony like Alcatraz, when God caught him up and took him on a trip through the glories of Heaven. As a result we have the book of Revelation.

Paul was in prison when he wrote his greatest epistles. In Genesis, God did His miraculous work of creation and He expressed His delight in it by saying that ‘…it was very good.’ (Genesis 1:31 NLT) And you must learn to do that too. When others say nice things it reflects their opinion of you. But when you can speak well of yourself it reflects your opinion of you—and that’s the one you live with every day.

To get a handle on loneliness, you must do away with the notion that anybody’s company is preferable to your own. A survey of thousands of couples revealed that 50 per cent wouldn’t marry the same person again. There are many reasons for that. One is—nobody but God can fill the spiritual emptiness within you. Think about it for a moment and you’ll realise that sometimes the solution to loneliness isn’t people, it’s purpose. It’s not a lack of affection, but a lack of direction. And when you need purpose and direction for living there’s only one place to go—to God!

written by Bob Gass

Think about it for a moment and you’ll realise that sometimes the solution to loneliness isn’t people, it’s purpose. It’s not a lack of affection, but a lack of direction.
Strongly disagree.
Yes, I have Jesus indwelling me and I talk to him as I would to another person. a one sided conversation. And I can pray in the Spirit often.
But as much as I love and appreciate what the Lord has done for me, and my salvation - it sustains and strengthens me spiritually - this is not the same
as natural love, affection and companionship of another person.
My wife died in January 2001 and I have been very lonely ever since. A wife, a companion, cooking for two is a beautiful thing.
We were not created to be lonely, we are social creatures, made to interact and do stuff with others.
Loneliness is not good for one's soul.