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The Differenct Between the Rapture and the Second Coming

I found this excellent article. I thought I would share it.

You may want to read it from the url.


by Thomas Ice

Over the years I have had hundreds of discussions with many people about the timing
of the rapture. Of course, I strongly believe that the New Testament indicates that the
Church will be raptured before the tribulation. One of the key reasons I think this is because
I believe the Bible teaches that the rapture is a distinct event from Christ's second coming
to the earth. In any consideration of the truthfulness of pretribulationism this issue is of crucial
Dr. John Feinberg notes that distinguishing between the rapture and second coming is
important in establishing pretribulationism against the non-pre-trib claim that the Bible does
not teach such a view.
. . . the pretribulationist must show that there is enough dissimilarity between clear
rapture and clear second advent passages as to warrant the claim that the two kinds
of passages could be speaking about two events which could occur at different
times. The pretribulationist does not have to prove at this point . . . that the two
events must occur at different times, but only that the exegetical data from rapture
and second advent passages do not make it impossible for the events to occur at
different times. If he can do that, the pretribulationist has shown that his view is not
impossible. And, he has answered the posttribulationist’s strongest line of
A key factor in understanding the New Testament’s teaching of the pretribulational
rapture revolves around the fact that two future comings of Christ are presented. The first
coming is the catching up into the clouds of the church before the seven-year tribulation and
the second coming occurs at the end of the tribulation when Christ returns to the earth to
begin His 1,000 year kingdom. Anyone desirous of insight into the biblical teaching of the
rapture and second advent must study and decide whether Scripture speaks of one or two
future events. Yet, many non-pretribulationists never deal with this issue.
Posttribulationists usually contend that if the rapture and the second coming are two
distinct events, separated by about seven years, then there ought to be at least one
passage in Scripture which clearly teaches this. However, the Bible does not always teach
God’s truth in accordance with our preconceived notions or in such a way that answers
directly all of our questions. For example, a Unitarian could design a similar kind of question
regarding the Trinity. “Where is at least one passage in Scripture which clearly says that the
Persons of the Godhead are distinct?” We who believe the Trinity reply that the Bible
teaches the Trinity but in a different way.
Many important biblical doctrines are not given to us directly from a single verse, we
often need to harmonize passages into systematic conclusions. Some truths are directly
stated in the Bible, such as the deity of Christ (John 1:1, Titus 2:13). But doctrines like the
Trinity and the incarnate nature of Christ are the product of biblical harmonization. Taking into
account all biblical texts, orthodox theologians, over time, recognized that God is a Trinity
and that Christ is the God-Man. Similarly, a systematic consideration of all biblical passages
reveals that Scripture teaches two future comings. I am not saying that the Bible does not
teach a pre-trib rapture, as some have misconstrued similar comments in the past. The
1John S. Feinberg, "Arguing for the Rapture: Who Must Prove What and How" in Thomas Ice
and Timothy Demy, editors When The Trumpet Sounds (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House
Publishers, 1995), p. 194.
Pre-Trib Research Center - 2
New Testament does teach pretribulationism, even though it may not be presented in a
way that is not as clear to some as they might like.
Posttribulationists often contend that the pre-trib position is built merely built upon an
assumption that certain verses ‘make sense’ if and only if the pre-trib model of the rapture is
assumed to be correct. However, they often fail to make it clear to their readers that they
are just as dependent upon assumptions as they say pre-tribers are. Their error stems
from failure to observe actual biblical distinctions.
For example, Christ’s overall ministry has two phases which revolve around His two
comings. Phase one took place at Christ’s first coming when He came in humiliation to
suffer. Phase two will begin at Christ’s second coming when He will reign on earth in power
and glory. Failure to distinguish these two phases was a key factor in Israel’s rejection of
Jesus as Messiah at His first coming. In the same way, failure to see clear distinctions
between the rapture and second advent lead many to a misinterpretation of God’s future
The rapture is most clearly presented in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. In verse 17 the
English phrase “caught up” translates the Greek word “harpázô,” which means “to seize
upon with force” or “to snatch up.” Latin translators of the Bible used the word “rapere,” the
root of the English term “rapture.” At the rapture living believers will be “caught up” in the
air, translated into the clouds, in a moment of time.
The rapture is characterized in the Bible as a “translation coming” (1 Cor. 15:51-52; 1
Thes. 4:15-17) in which Christ comes for His church. The second advent is Christ returning
with His saints, descending from heaven to establish His earthly kingdom (Zech. 14:4-5;
Mat. 24:27-31). Ed Hindson observes:
The rapture (or “translation”) of the church is often paralleled to the “raptures” of Enoch
(Genesis 5:24) and Elijah (2 Kings 2: 12). In each case, the individual disappeared or
was caught up into-heaven. At His ascension, our Lord Himself was “taken up” into
heaven (Acts 1:9). The biblical description of the rapture involves both the
resurrection of deceased believers and the translation of living believers into the air to
meet the Lord (1 Thess. 4:16-17; 1 Cor. 15:51 52).2
Differences between the two events are harmonized naturally by the pre-trib position,
while other views are not able to account naturally from the biblical text for such distinctions.
The following graphic lists a compilation of rapture passages set opposite to many that
refer to the second coming.
2Edward E. Hindson, "The Rapture and the Return: Two Aspects of Christ's Coming" in Thomas
Ice and Timothy Demy, editors When The Trumpet Sounds (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House
Publishers, 1995), p. 157-58.
Pre-Trib Research Center - 3
Rapture Passages 2nd Coming Passages
John 14:1-3
1 Thess 4:13-18
1 Cor 15:51-53
Col 3:4
Heb 9:28
1 John 2:28-3:2
James 5:7-9
1 Thess 1:10
1 Thess 2:19
1 Thess 3:13
1 Thess 5:23
Phil 3:20-21
Titus 2:13
1 Cor 1:7-8
1 Peter 1:7, 13
Jude 21
Daniel 2:44-45
Daniel 7:9-14
Daniel 12:1-3
Zech 14:1-15
Matt 13:41
Matt 24:15-31
Matt 26:64
Mark 13:14-27
Mark 14:62
Luke 21:25-28
Acts 1:9-11
Acts 3:19-21
2 Thess 1:6-10
2 Peter 3:1-14
Jude 14-15
Rev 1:7
Rev 19:11-20:6
Rev 22:7, 12, 20
2 Thess 2:1
1 Tim 6:14
Rev 3:10
2 Tim 4:1
2 Thess 2:8
Rom 8:19
1 Cor 16:22
1 Thess 5:9 Rev 2:25
Zech 12:10
Phil 4:5
2 Tim 4:8
1 Peter 5:4
1 Peter 4:12-13
2 Thess 2:3 (?)
Rapture Advent
Tribulation Period
"Seventieth Week"
of Daniel
Based upon the references above, we can see a vast difference between the character
of passages referring to the rapture when compared to those of the second coming as
summarized in the following differences:
Rapture/Translation 2nd Coming/Estab. Kingdom
1 Translation of all believers 1 No translation at all
2 Translated saints go to heaven 2 Translated saints return to earth
3 Earth not judged 3 Earth judged & righteousness established
4 Imminent, any-moment, signless 4 Follows definite predicted signs including
5 Not in the Old Testament 5 Predicted often in Old Testament
6 Believers only 6 Affects all men
7 Before the day of wrath 7 Concluding the day of wrath
8 No reference to Satan 8 Satan bound
9 Christ comes for His own 9 Christ comes with His own
10 He comes in the air 10 He comes to the earth
11 He claims His bride 11 He comes with His bride
12 Only His own see Him 12 Every eye shall see Him
13 Tribulation begins 13 Millennial Kingdom begins
John Walvoord concludes that these "contrasts should make it evident that the translation
of the church is an event quite different in character and time from the return of the Lord to
establish His kingdom, and confirms the conclusion that the translation takes place before the
3The quotation and the first six contrasts in the graphic above are taken from John F. Walvoord,
The Return of the Lord (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1955), 87-88.
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Paul speaks of the rapture as a “mystery” (1 Cor. 15:51-54), that is a truth not revealed
until its disclosure by the apostles (Col. 1:26), making it a separate event, while the second
coming was predicted in the Old Testament (Dan. 12:1-3; Zech. 12:10; 14:4).
The movement for the believer at the rapture is from earth to heaven, while it is from
heaven to earth at the second advent. At the rapture, the Lord comes for his saints (1
Thess. 4:16), while at the second coming the Lord comes with His saints (1 Thess. 3:13).
At the rapture, the Lord comes only for believers, but His return to the earth will impact all
people. The rapture is a translation/resurrection event where the Lord takes believers “to
the Father’s house” in heaven (John 14:3), while at the second coming believers return from
heaven to the earth (Matt. 24:30). Hindson says, "The different aspects of our Lord’s return
are clearly delineated in the scriptures themselves. The only real issue in the eschatological
debate is the time interval between them."4
One of the strengths of the pre-trib position is that it is best able to harmonize the many
events of end-time prophecy because of its distinction between the rapture and the
second coming. Normally, posttribulationists do not even attempt to answers such
objections and the few that try struggle with the biblical text putting forth stained
interpretations. Yet, pretribulationists do not encounter difficulties in providing answers.
What are some post-trib problems?
First, posttribulationism requires that the church will be present during the 70th week of
Daniel (Dan. 9:24-27) even though it was absent from the first 69. This is in spite of the fact
that Daniel 9:24 says that all 70 weeks are for Israel. Pretribulationism is not in conflict with
this passage, as is posttribulationism, since the church departs before the beginning of the
seven-year period.
Second, posttribulationism must deny the New Testament teaching of imminency–that
Christ could come at any-moment. Pretribulationism does not have a problem with these
New Testament passages, since they believe that no signs must precede the rapture.
Third, premillennial posttribulationism has no answer to their problem of who will
populate the millennium if the rapture and second coming occur at the same time. Since all
believers will be translated at the rapture and all unbelievers judged, because no
unrighteous shall be allowed to enter Christ’s kingdom, then no one would be left in mortal
bodies to start the population base for the millennium. The pre-trib viewpoint does not
have a problem at this point.
Fourth, posttribulationism is not able to explain the sheep and goats judgment after the
second coming in Matthew 25:31-46. As in the previous problem, how would there be
any believers in mortal bodies, if they were raptured at the second coming, who would be
available to enter into Christ’s kingdom? Pretribulationism does not have such a problem.
Fifth, since Revelation 19:7-8 indicates that the church, Christ’s Bride, is made ready to
accompany Christ to earth (Rev. 19:14) before the second coming, how could this
reasonably happen if part of the church is still on earth awaiting Christ’s Advent? If the
rapture of the church takes place at the second coming, then how does the Bride (i.e., the
church) also come with Christ at His return? There would not be sufficient time for this to
happen within a posttribulational sequence, but the pre-trib position has no such problem.
The distinctions between Christ’s coming in the air to rapture His church are too great to
be reduced into a single coming at the end of the tribulation. These biblical distinctions
provide a strong basis for the pre-trib rapture teaching. When we consider that the church is
promised exemption from Israel tribulation (1 Thess. 1:10; 5:9; Rev. 3:10) and that the
70th week of Daniel (Dan. 9:24-27) is for Israel and not the church, like the previous 69
4Hindson, Ibid.
Pre-Trib Research Center - 5
weeks, then it only follows that the church will be raptured before the tribulation. Such a
hope is indeed a “Blessed Hope.” Even so, come Lord Jesus! Maranatha!
Second, posttribulationism must deny the New Testament teaching of imminency–that
Christ could come at any-moment. Pretribulationism does not have a problem with these
New Testament passages, since they believe that no signs must precede the rapture.

actually bible never states that Jesus could come at any moment. the author of this article thinks bible says that?
no, Jesus only told us to watch for we do not know His return date and hour.
- and that's big dfference with immidient return because no matter what happens to prior His return it still leaves His return date unknown...
we don't know it now and we don't know it at tribulation except that it's near.
suspecting the day being near does not equal knowing when or how long. tribulation could last for days, months, or years.

But infact Lord wanted us to understand when it would be near (parable of fig tree) . Though date is still unknown, but probably because we could prepare our selfs then.

And He also said that when sun stops giving it's light we should find courage in the fact that He's coming right after that.

Mat 24:29-30
(29) Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
(30) And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

so date being unknown now doesn't mean we should have no idea of the time and event's that precede when it's near.
However, they often fail to make it clear to their readers that they
are just as dependent upon assumptions as they say pre-tribers are. Their error stems
from failure to observe actual biblical distinctions.

i don't think you have to make any assumptions to believe post-trib. it's actually very carefully laid out in the bible.
T. Ice, a hyper-dispensational wolf in sheep's clothing

The Differenct Between the Rapture and the Second Coming

Margaret Macdonald's handwritten account in 1830 of her pre-Antichrist (or pretribulation) rapture discovery was reproduced in two of the 19th century books written by Catholic Apostolic Church historian Robert Norton. Her statement has long been in the public domain.

But some, like militant pretrib rapture defender and diehard Thomas Ice, have had trouble reproducing it accurately. In addition to a total of 49 omitted words in different sections, Ice's 1989 reproduction had 12 added words plus errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation!
Moreover, Ice's version also included four distinctive errors that Hal Lindsey had made in his 1983 reproduction, and that Tim LaHaye's 1992 reproduction left behind the same 49 words that Ice had left behind three years earlier!

Evidently, pretrib rapture promoters would rather copy - and miscopy - each other than take time to locate primary research documents!

Interestingly, if you look for the "Thomas Ice Collection" on websites including Rapture Ready's, you will find that "The Origin of the Pretrib Rapture - Part I" is glaringly missing, and the post you're now reading demonstrates why! If your pharmacist or doctor or lawyer or mechanic would have the sloppiness that many pretrib rapture promoters have, would you still trust them?

The Bible says he will come like a thief in the night. 2 Pet 3:10, 1 Thess 5:2, 1 Thess 5:4, Rev 3:3, Rev 16:15 all say the Lord will come when people are least expecting it. There is the parable of the 10 virgins, the moral of the story is make sure your lamp has oil in it when the bridegroom returns. ( Matt 25:1-10 )
The Bible says two will be in field working together, one will be taken, one will be left. Two will be lying in a bed together, one will be taken and one will be left. It says don't turn back (like Lots wife) and try to take care of last minute things, it says be ready.
( Matt 24:18, Mark 13:16, Luke 17:31 )
Jesus said he went to prepare a place for us, he said he will come back and get us.
Matt 24:43 says to be ready because we don't know when the "thief" will come.
The same parable is also in Luke 12:39. Jesus himself said he didn't know when he would come back. ( Matt 24:36, Matt 24:44, Mark 13:32, Luke 12:40 )

If the rapture is after the tribulation, then all of these verses are wrong. The tribulation will be an obvious thing (Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19, meteors falling from the sky, flying scorpions with the power to sting for 6 months, 250 million horsemen with horses that breathe fire, a third of the seas and rivers dried up, etc... ) If Jesus comes after the tribulation everyone will know when it is.

Some build a doctrine on Matt 24:29-30 and think this means the rapture won't happen until the tribulation, all this verse means is that some people will get saved during the rapture and when Christ returns (the 3rd coming for the millennial reign) he will gather them up also. Others try to use 2 Thess 2:3, this doesn't say it will happen after the tribulation, all it says is that the "man of apostasy" (the beast) will be revealed first. He could be revealed years before the rapture.

The Bible doesn't merely say "watch". It says watch and be ready because you don't know when he will return.
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If the rapture is after the tribulation, then all of these verses are wrong. The tribulation will be an obvious thing (Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19, meteors falling from the sky, flying scorpions with the power to sting for 6 months, 250 million horsemen with horses that breathe fire, a third of the seas and rivers dried up, etc... ) If Jesus comes after the tribulation everyone will know when it is.

ask your self a question. what if tribulation would be going on now,
would you know the day of Lord's return?
no you wouldn't...

you'd only know it's near. nearer than before tribulation. but not how near or which date.
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Jari If you think Pretrib is unscriptural then you should go back to the beginning and start reading again. It's there.

read where?
most of the arguments made to support pre-trib idea are not good (unrealistic from scripture) in my opinion. that's why it's hard to believe it.
read where?
most of the arguments made to support pre-trib idea are not good (unrealistic from scripture) in my opinion. that's why it's hard to believe it.

Ok Start here...take all the scriptures you can find on the subject and read them. Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to reveal the truth of it to you. That is HIS job after all.

Just keep in mind my dear friend, Escathology is not an important thing. The important thing, really, is getting to know HIM. In getting to know HIM we become like HIM and will glorify HIM in all we do.

After all...its not about us...Its about the King. Always.
ask your self a question. what if tribulation would be going on now,
would you know the day of Lord's return?
no you wouldn't...

you'd only know it's near. nearer than before tribulation. but not how near or which date.

If the tribulation was going on now, we would see...

The beast... (who is this? Do you have a name?)
The sun would be black and the moon would be red (Rev 6:12-13)
There would be a earthquake so huge all of the mountains and islands would be moved (Rev 6:14)
There would be hail, fire and blood coming from the heavens (skies) (Rev 8:7)
A third of the rivers, sea, ships and sealife would be destroyed. (Rev 8:8-10)
Flying locust with the power to sting like a scorpion that torments for 6 months would be flying around (Rev 9:3-10)
200 million horses that breathe fire would be riding around killing people ( Rev 9:16-20)
The two witnesses that kill their enemies by fire coming out of their mouths would be prophesying (Rev 11:4-11)

There is much more... I'm leaving out more than half of the events of the tribulation, but it's definitely not happening right now. None of these things are happening right now.

Rather than just saying "it's wrong" and not giving scripture, can you at least go back to my first replay in the thread and reconcile all the verses I gave? You are welcome to give a verse of two on why you believe what you believe, but you can't simply discount all of those other verses just because they don't line up with your belief.
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There is much more... I'm leaving out more than half of the events of the tribulation, but it's definitely not happening right now. None of these things are happening right now.

no my point was if tribulation would be going on now ... and i believe it isnt. but if it was how does that make Lord's return date known?

or in other words how does tribulation make lords return day known?

Rather than just saying "it's wrong" and not giving scripture, can you at least go back to my first replay in the thread and reconcile all the verses I gave? You are welcome to give a verse of two on why you believe what you believe, but you can't simply discount all of those other verses just because they don't line up with your belief.

gladly but i think what i said clears it up but if it didnt please tell me what verse or viewpoint is the problem?
Ok Start here...take all the scriptures you can find on the subject and read them. Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to reveal the truth of it to you. That is HIS job after all.

Just keep in mind my dear friend, Escathology is not an important thing. The important thing, really, is getting to know HIM. In getting to know HIM we become like HIM and will glorify HIM in all we do.

After all...its not about us...Its about the King. Always.

i never said im relying on my wisdom.
you WANT to be left behind

The Bible says two will be in field working together, one will be taken, one will be left. Two will be lying in a bed together, one will be taken and one will be left.
When I turned to Christ, one of the primary passages that convinced me were the passages in what is called the Olivet Discourse. That's a fancy term for the sermon He gave while standing at the mount of Olives. This sermon is usually represented as describing the great tribulation as well as the so-called rapture. "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left." These words quickly became among my favorite verses in the entire bible.

This section of the scriptures is routinely assumed to refer to the rapture. The one that was taken was taken away to heaven in 'the rapture,' or so the teaching goes. The problem was I always read this account in Luke where we find a very important addition. It reads "Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. And they answered and said unto him, Where Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, there will the eagles be gathered together." (Luke 17:37 KJV)

Our Lord's statement about the eagles always bothered me when I read it in Matthew, because it occurs there in a different context (Matthew 24:28 KJV) than in Luke. For years, I never fully understood what The Lord was trying to get across with this verse. Even modern so-called versions didn't help. In the New International Version, for example, the predators are called "vultures" instead of eagles, but even that never helped clarify the meaning. Finally, when reading the passage in the book of Luke, it became clear to me because it's placed immediately after the statement "the one shall be taken and the other left." (Luke 17:36 KJV)

In Luke 17:37 KJV, it is clear that the question the disciples asked was "Where were they taken, Lord?" The Lord's answer may be paraphrased as 'What does it matter? Wherever you see the eagles, that's where the dead body is.' In short, those that are taken are not taken to heaven in the 'rapture.' They are taken to destruction -- to the place where the eagles (or vultures) circle over 'the dead body.'

This changes everything. In fact, it means the scriptures are stating the exact opposite of what is being taught in pulpits across the country every Sunday.

Notice the immediately preceding example of Noah and the flood. The text says that everyone was "eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage." In other words, they had no idea destruction was about to fall. It's exactly the same way now, and that's precisely how Christ said it would be in the end times. Remember, the Lord said, "...just as it was in the days of Noah, so shall the coming of the son of man be." Christians are expecting the rapture instead of a sudden destruction from God that will leave the true believer unscathed, but destroy vast numbers of others.

There is just no other way to coherently read these verses. When the text says that in Noah's tiume they "knew not until the flood came, and took them all away," we must ask 'who knew not and who got taken away?' Obviously Noah and his people knew the flood was coming -- they had just spent 120 years building a big boat.

In the last days' version, the ones that "know not" apparently include those that are unaware there is a great destruction coming -- they are instead convinced this is describing an evacuation instead of a terrible judgment. In a rather ironic role reversal, it is the believers in the pre-tribulation rapture that "know not" there is a great judgment coming because most of them foolishly refuse to closely examine the truth of this prophecy.

In the same context of Noah, please note how the text says "...they knew not until the flood came and took them all away...Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left." The ones TAKEN away were the ones that were destroyed.

There is even more to this passage than meets the eye. The King James Version renders the predatory birds as eagles, while the New International Version and others refer to vultures. As I only trust the King James Version, I believe Christ referred to the eagle; however both birds are listed as 'unclean' under the Old Testament law. In Leviticus 11:13, the eagle and the vulture are both referred to as "an abomination." This is an additional sign that this event is one of judgment, not evacuation.

The eagle is a bird of prey. I find it particularly ironic that the dictionary uses the word "Raptor" as the term to describe a 'bird of prey.' In fact, in the hit book and film Jurassic Park, the most destructive of the dinosaurs was a fast striking specie that archeologists have dubbed Veloci-Raptor.

So here we have a description of a rapid and destructive event that is misinterpreted as a 'rapture.' The text clearly describes a sudden destruction that narrowly discriminates against its target. The destruction is so focused that there will be "two men in one bed; the one shall be taken and the other shall be left." The true believer is among those that remain while the ones that are taken are likened as being taken to a place where the birds of prey are circling -- a bird of prey being designated as a "Raptor" in the dictionary.

I believe this is yet another clue from God that the doctrine of the 'rapture' is a distortion of a biblical warning of a soon to be revealed judgment of God.

The fact is, the vast majority of genuine Christians may very well be called upon to lay down their lives for the testimony of Jesus Christ. A prudent person should begin to recognize these signs and make preparations. Remember, Jesus said the time of the Lord's return would be "just as it was in the days of Noah." (Luke 17:26) What characterized the days of Noah? Noah prepared for the flood for 120 years. He built an ark so that he and his family would survive the flood. He preached of the coming destruction. He brought in food, drinking water, and other supplies. He heard the word of the Lord concerning a future judgment, and at the Lord's direction, he made provision for it.

During the great tribulation, the scriptures say you won't be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. You won't be able to earn a living, pay rent, buy food, or anything else. You won't be allowed to participate in society at all. While I prefer not to give any specific advice, I would ask you to ask yourself 'What could I do now, that would benefit my family and myself during such a time?' Remember, the passages describe a time of terrible tribulation. Calamities of enormous peril will become the order of the day.

Those that refuse to hear the word of the Lord are those who do not have ears to hear -- even as they move hypocritically to revile those that are telling them the truth concerning the post-tribulation return of Jesus Christ. The mark of the church of Sardis is the mark of The Rapture Cult -- a false understanding of the timing and circumstances of the return of Jesus Christ. To them Jesus Christ says "...God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that YE MAY BE ABLE TO BEAR IT...Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted WORTHY to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man...If therefore thou shalt not WATCH, I will come on thee as a THIEF, and thou shalt not know what hour I shall come upon thee." (1 Cor 10:13; Luke 21:36; Rev 3:3 KJV)

Our Lord's statement about the eagles always bothered me when I read it in Matthew, because it occurs there in a different context (Matthew 24:28 KJV) than in Luke. For years, I never fully understood what The Lord was trying to get across with this verse. Even modern so-called versions didn't help. In the New International Version, for example, the predators are called "vultures" instead of eagles, but even that never helped clarify the meaning. Finally, when reading the passage in the book of Luke, it became clear to me because it's placed immediately after the statement "the one shall be taken and the other left." (Luke 17:36 KJV)

In Luke 17:37 KJV, it is clear that the question the disciples asked was "Where were they taken, Lord?" The Lord's answer may be paraphrased as 'What does it matter? Wherever you see the eagles, that's where the dead body is.' In short, those that are taken are not taken to heaven in the 'rapture.' They are taken to destruction -- to the place where the eagles (or vultures) circle over 'the dead body.'

This changes everything. In fact, it means the scriptures are stating the exact opposite of what is being taught in pulpits across the country every Sunday.

that's interesting thought.
i have thought very similar things about it. the one taken and one left could mean those who don't escape the desctruction or whatever disaster is coming to jerusalem.
also because Jesus was just talking about the disaster in jerusalem. and he was talking about those days and yet he said in that night there will be two men in same bed.....
so preceeding the days one should flee and not be taken...

There is even more to this passage than meets the eye. The King James Version renders the predatory birds as eagles, while the New International Version and others refer to vultures. As I only trust the King James Version, I believe Christ referred to the eagle; however both birds are listed as 'unclean' under the Old Testament law. In Leviticus 11:13, the eagle and the vulture are both referred to as "an abomination." This is an additional sign that this event is one of judgment, not evacuation.

eagle could also symbolize wisdom . maybe it means false prophets gathering to the carcass (jerusalem).
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Luk 17:26 "The time of the Son of Man will be just like the time of Noah--
Luk 17:27 everyone carrying on as usual, having a good time right up to the day Noah boarded the ship. They suspected nothing until the flood hit and swept everything away.
Luk 17:28 "It was the same in the time of Lot--the people carrying on, having a good time, business as usual
Luk 17:29 right up to the day Lot walked out of Sodom and a firestorm swept down and burned everything to a crisp.
Luk 17:30 That's how it will be--sudden, total--when the Son of Man is revealed.
Luk 17:31 "When the Day arrives and you're out working in the yard, don't run into the house to get anything. And if you're out in the field, don't go back and get your coat.
Luk 17:32 Remember what happened to Lot's wife!
Luk 17:33 If you grasp and cling to life on your terms, you'll lose it, but if you let that life go, you'll get life on God's terms.
Luk 17:34 "On that Day, two men will be in the same boat fishing--one taken, the other left.
Luk 17:35 Two women will be working in the same kitchen--one taken, the other left."
Luk 17:37 Trying to take all this in, the disciples said, "Master, where?" He told them, "Watch for the circling of the vultures. They'll spot the corpse first. The action will begin around my dead body."

First the assumption would be the dead bodies would be those NOT taken, not those taken. Second, Jesus was talking about his own body.
Luk 17:26 "The time of the Son of Man will be just like the time of Noah--
Luk 17:27 everyone carrying on as usual, having a good time right up to the day Noah boarded the ship. They suspected nothing until the flood hit and swept everything away.
Luk 17:28 "It was the same in the time of Lot--the people carrying on, having a good time, business as usual
Luk 17:29 right up to the day Lot walked out of Sodom and a firestorm swept down and burned everything to a crisp.
Luk 17:30 That's how it will be--sudden, total--when the Son of Man is revealed.
Luk 17:31 "When the Day arrives and you're out working in the yard, don't run into the house to get anything. And if you're out in the field, don't go back and get your coat.
Luk 17:32 Remember what happened to Lot's wife!
Luk 17:33 If you grasp and cling to life on your terms, you'll lose it, but if you let that life go, you'll get life on God's terms.
Luk 17:34 "On that Day, two men will be in the same boat fishing--one taken, the other left.
Luk 17:35 Two women will be working in the same kitchen--one taken, the other left."
Luk 17:37 Trying to take all this in, the disciples said, "Master, where?" He told them, "Watch for the circling of the vultures. They'll spot the corpse first. The action will begin around my dead body."

First the assumption would be the dead bodies would be those NOT taken, not those taken. Second, Jesus was talking about his own body.

how does this make Lord's day known?

because its tribulation people will stop sleeping, working, eating and marrying?

it's also interesting how Jesus gives instruction there to flee. why we need to flee if He's coming?
how does this make Lord's day known?

because its tribulation people will stop sleeping, working, eating and marrying?

it's also interesting how Jesus gives instruction there to flee. why we need to flee if He's coming?

Not because they stop eating and working so much, stop marrying.. I believe this is happening more and more all the time. If a significant portion of the population is raptured, (just for sake of argument say 10%) of 7 billion people. That's 700 million people that will suddenly just be missing.. poof... gone in thin air. I doubt such an event would go by un-noticed. This is how it makes the Lord's day known.

Jesus saying flee here? To whom?
Not because they stop eating and working so much, stop marrying.. I believe this is happening more and more all the time. If a significant portion of the population is raptured, (just for sake of argument say 10%) of 7 billion people. That's 700 million people that will suddenly just be missing.. poof... gone in thin air. I doubt such an event would go by un-noticed. This is how it makes the Lord's day known.

Jesus saying flee here? To whom?

bac people will not stop eating even if its tribulation.

it says in book of revelations that when God poured his wrath on earth people never repented their adultries thefs and sorceries etc.

likewise i could say they never knew Jesus would come despite the tribulation.