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Top Six Natural Energy Boosters

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Top Six Natural Energy Boosters.

Marty Meshek

Want an energy boost to your system that will not give you the jitters or keep you awake at night? Some herbs will boost your energy levels and are easy to add to your diet. Sometimes it is what you do NOT eat that gives you a boost in energy! So what are some alternatives to that third cup of Starbuck's Coffee?

1. Digestive enzymes break down proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber making it possible to benefit from the nutrients found in those foods. Enzymes turn the food we eat into energy and unlock this energy for use in the body. Did you ever notice that children can eat a big meal and then go play, but adults who eat a big meal usually need a nap. By the time you hit forty you have lost most of your body's natural ability to manufacture enzymes. You get tired because it takes a lot of energy to digest that meal. Where do we get enzymes from? There are two basic sources: The raw food we eat contains enzymes to help break down that particular piece of food. Our body also produces some enzymes. The two glands providing the majority of digestive chemicals utilized by the gastrointestinal tract are the liver and the pancreas. The more cooking and processing of food destroys all or most of the enzymes. The more diet consists of raw foods like salads, the more natural energy you will have. Since most of the foods we eat are cooked or heavily processed in some way and the raw foods we do eat contain only enough enzymes to process that particular food, our bodies must produce the majority of the digestive enzymes we require. Again, we also lose the ability to produce these enzymes after we reach forty. For these reasons it is recommended that we supplement our diet with enzymes. Many enzymes have also been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect which is a bonus.

2. Cayenne. There is no other herb which increases your blood flow faster than cayenne. Cayenne moves blood. It is a circulatory tonic and helps improve circulation. More blood means more oxygen racing through your body. This is just what your metabolism needed. Because it is a natural metabolism booster many diet supplements now add cayenne to their formulas. Cayenne also supports heart health, improves the immune system and is a huge aid to the digestive system.

3. Ginseng. Ginseng has long been used as a total systemic tonic. Ginseng is commonly used as an adaptogen, meaning it normalizes physical functioning depending on what the individual needs (for example, it will lower high blood pressure, but raise low blood pressure). It is also used to reduce the effects of stress, improve athletic performance, boost energy levels, enhance memory, and stimulate the immune system. Ginseng is known as a preventative herb as well as a curative herb. It is said to remove both mental and physical fatigue. Most people who use ginseng over a two to three month period experience a sense of well-being and stamina and say it improves both mental and physical performance. Ginseng has been said to improve erectile function, help relieve stress and help with stabilizing blood sugar levels for diabetics. It is a very common addition to any energy or diet product and comes in many shapes and forms. Like other herbs and supplements potency varies from product to product. I suggest always buying a fresh, reputable and potent brand.

4. 24 hour fast. The body spends up to one third of your energy on digestion and elimination. By avoiding solid food and only taking in liquids like water and fresh organic juices you give the body a break. It can now use some of its stored energy to fight disease and eliminate toxins in the body. By eliminating toxins the body is dumping them into the digestive tract to be eliminated. If the digestive tract (colon) is not clean and working well the toxins will just get reabsorbed into the bloodstream making you fell sick. If your colon is clean and you properly eliminate those toxins you get a general feeling of wellness, more energy and more mental clarity. Fasting, even just one day month will help eliminate salt and sugar cravings. After a fast you are usually hungry for food that has high nutrient content, like green vegetables..

Dr. Paul Bragg states: "… fasting is not a cure of any disease or ailment. The purpose of the fast is to allow the body full range and scope to fulfill its self-healing, self-repairing, self-rejuvenating functions to the best advantage. …Fasting is probably the fastest and safest way or means of regaining health ever conceived by the human man. … Fasting puts the body in a condition where all the Vital Force of the body is used to flush out the causes of body miseries."

5. Colon and parasite cleanse. If you are over the age of thirty and have never done a colon cleanse you are in for a tremendous health boost. If you do your cleanse and eat a healthy diet with mostly fruits and vegetables and very little red meat or no meat at all you will feel lighter. You will focus easier. Your memory will improve and your energy will go up. You will just feel better over all. You have probably heard the saying that death begins in the colon. Well, good health and more energy also begin in the colon!

6. Superfoods. Superfoods are foods or food products that are high in nutrient density. Superfoods are usually green superfoods, high in both vitamins and minerals. Why are superfoods so important to natural energy levels?

One reason is that our soils are so depleted and over-farmed and we, as a country, elect to only replace the Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus. These are the macro nutrients our foods need but not the micro-nutrients (trace minerals) which are essential to our energy and immune systems. Superfoods usually contain sea minerals from Blue-Green Algae, Spirulina, Kelp and Chlorella and other mineral dense foods that help to ensure that we are getting all the nutrients our body needs to fight disease and not run out of gas.
5. Colon and parasite cleanse. If you are over the age of thirty and have never done a colon cleanse you are in for a tremendous health boost. If you do your cleanse and eat a healthy diet with mostly fruits and vegetables and very little red meat or no meat at all you will feel lighter. You will focus easier. Your memory will improve and your energy will go up. You will just feel better over all. You have probably heard the saying that death begins in the colon. Well, good health and more energy also begin in the colon!

I have a colon disease. And am much over the age of thirty. I was considering using a colon cleanser. I was told by my doctor (and an emergency room doctor) that they are a waste of time and money. The best way to clean - and keep healthy - your colon is to fast with a liquid diet and in order to keep your colon really healthy, make sure your colon has enough "good" bacteria to fight off and destroy the rogue bacteria. We have billions of bacteria in our colon...ecoli bacteria. But when our colon becomes sick/infected/inflamed it's because these little guys turned nasty. To stop this from happening, we can take probiotics...yogurt with live cultures is the best. Or even a natural supplement. The supplement I take along with the yogurt has 6 billion bacteria in one pill. I'm supposed to take 3 every day. It is the probiotics (good bacteria) that stave off infection (bad bacteria) and keep your colon healthy.

The allotted amount of fibre in your diet also helps to cleanse the colon. To keep the bowels moving properly. Now, because of my disease, I eat a high fibre diet. And I do not eat red meat at all. It's very rare for me to eat chicken. Though I do eat fish. Lots of fruit and lots of vegetables

And yes...a healthy colon does indeed make for more energy.

Okay...just my thoughts on this.
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D-ribose sugar

I'm not sure it qualifies as "food," but I just got a bottle of d-ribose sugar and so far the results have been really good. I have CFS and hypoglycemia, so I'm always looking for non-steroidal ways to keep my energy up.

You can look up d-ribose sugar on the Internet to get all the big long reports about it. Mostly it's being used to treat chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.

The stuff is so/so for expense...this bottle with 20 servings cost me 20 bucks....but I find that I use about 1/6 of their recommended serving and it carries me through well enough.

I've also been really impressed with the overall feeling of nutrition for taking Spirulina capsules. It's a seaweed that falls under the 'superfood' category. You can get a really large supply for very little money if you just get the powder in bulk and stuff your own gelcaps.

Most health food stores have both of these items but always talk to your doctor before using anything, especially if you're on prescription medicines that could have unforseen reactions to stuff.
There is a lot of wisdom in the original post. When I was in my 40's I started taking colon health seriously and wow, what a difference. Digestive enzymes and probiotics make a big difference, since most of the immune system is in the intestines and also where a lot of disease begins.

Cayenne is a bit "hot" for people 50 plus - proceed with caution there :)

Also, there are some fabulous parasite cleansers on the market - they aren't a hoax and it makes me sad when I see the baby thrown out with the bath water on those products. Yes, I guess some are a scam, but I can testify to the effectiveness of doing those every year. In my 50's, I started doing colonics and once you've started doing those and can SEE the yuck factor, you become a believer :)

The Lord has blessed us with such an incredible thing with our bodies!!

Oh, and Acai (if you do your homework and buy good brand) really is a super *food* - I bought a case of bottles and shared some with friends. All of us, great results.

It's a matter of separating the wheat from the chaff.

Thanks for the topic - hope He draws those who need to hear :)