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suicide causing from evil people and spirits

It's a fallacy of the western world to divorce the physical from the spiritual. Physical death, after all, first came from a spiritual one. I'm not claiming some mysterious, mystical force; I am simply advocating cause and effect. If a woman smokes crack while she's pregnant, then she's going to give birth to a crack-baby. If a man beats his children in alcoholic rages, then those children are more likely to succumb to alcohol abuse than other children. If anyone truly finds it so hard to believe that generational consequences exist, then I'd like them to watch a woman give birth to a child and get back to me.

However, I'm really not interested in persuading a bunch of strangers to believe something they clearly do not wish to believe; I was interested in offering advice to someone in need. I have better things to do than argue with inexperienced skeptics.
What kept me alive physically long enough to be Born again when I was 20 was what my Mother told me (after my nervous breakdown as they were called then) was that: "If you kill yourself, you freeze yourself forever in the agony and desperation that caused you to end you life in the first place.

It worked.

If you guys dont receive a response it could be because this thread like 11 years old (back in 2012). Someone went back pretty far to bump it up.
Staff Member
Posters on Thread,

To add to what our Sister in Christ said in the previous post.
If you hover your pointer over the persons avatar, you'll be able to see the last time they've been online. As is the case for Green Berean, it was 2013.
So, temper any expectations on receiving a reply. :no_mouth:

With the Love of Christ Jesus.
My fiance's dad killed himself, and his brother, and their father, and so on before......... now I feel those beings that cause suicide are after not only my fiance but me as well............ God isn't responding very angry about it for 15 years........... this stuff is hard hitting us........ the spirit of suicide won't go away type of thing what can or do we do to destroy them or stop it from happening?
The fundamental problem with suicide is that it's a final proof that you really "did it all to yourself". I think for one thing, maybe those people who hanged themselves didn't realize how long it would take them to die like that, cutting open an artery is slower and more painful than they imagine, I'll bet. It's a decision. The issue is free will. You should have had that anyway, and I don't mean the blinky lights Nintendo game of rewards and punishments presented by child psychologists like Jim Dobson for example, if you have those kinds of parents, you should be able to just tough it out until you turn 18, get your own job, get your own driver's license, and assume the legal rights attending to state majority. A good society would question why a citizen had done that, an honest lawyer or clerk of the court would investigate the persons circle of family, friends, and acquaintances to see if the person had lost respect or been denied constitutional freedom. I'm not a licensed attorney at law, but based on my years of experience, I'd say, let's have a Thirteenth Amendment indictment under the law, and see if the person was really forced to commit suicide to escape slave conditions under which no other free will choices were possible or being honored if made.
You get to the root of the problem.

Yes, you can pray for the spirit of suicide to go away, but you also have to figure out what is the source of the thoughts. Why did the people kill themselves?

It also sounds like a generational curse. Now, some people don't believe in those, but it can happen. You need to rebuke the devil and tell him to flee in Jesus' name. It doesn't matter how many times you have to tell him, just every time the thoughts come you do it.

And when you DO start thinking of suicide...you need to change your thoughts.

Start quoting scripture, sing worship songs. Get your mind off the thoughts of suicide and onto God.
"The spirit of suicide." Interesting way to put it, I'll be sure to look into the pigs being sent over the side of the cliff incident in the gospels on that. There was a part where Jesus cast out demons with a word, and the man was next seen sitting clothed, and in his right mind. I need to read that again.
I was curious as to whether or not your bride-to-be is all right. You expressed some concern as to her well-being.

Also, I would like to extend an offer for prayer with you in regards to the mess you find yourself in. When I was born, my dad was a warlock who studied under the highest ranking witches in the country at the time, so I know a thing or two about uprooting the spirit of witchcraft.
Your dad was a warlock? Believe it or not, I believe you. Witches and wizards get married and celebrate the solstices and equinoxes, as well as four more holidays described as the cross quarters, and I've even read 'blog type journals by people like that. I'm sure that "I'm glad that didn't happen to me." is a calloused and rather blase response to your problem, but still...I'm glad that didn't happen to me.

So, what does a "warlock" do, exactly? I've read some memoirs by people who fought in various wars in the past myself, including a website collected in one of the southeastern states of contemporary civil war diaries, as well as Southeast Asian memos by Marines and the like, but I've never quite figured out "warlock". Tell me all about it. Does it have anything to do with the Israelite civil war in the time of Ahab, by any chance? The siege of Tyre by Sidon...Sodom and Gomorrah, the Battle of Armageddon?
okay aside from harming a child or causing them to stumble there is no reason to kill yourself. meaning what ever comes your way, know that it's not worth it; it will be okay ignore it; the devil wants to make it more serious then it actually is
There's no reason to kill yourself at all. In fact, if you are able to do so, it's an argument against the notion that your rights were so badly violated that that is what caused you to do it. If you were able to kill yourself, then you either got ahold of a weapon, or escaped to the Golden Gate Bridge from the Manson House nearby in San Francisco or something like that. Also, it doesn't atone for your sins, if you committed any. First, you are not a perpetuating sacrifice for anyone yourself included, also you are neither the judge nor the Governor of the State, who have to both authorize and carry out a legal execution.
When you buy into the dia-gnosis, you also buy into the authority who issues it. Rather, proper questions might be: What has caused the lack of serotonin? What has caused the insulin problem? These questions are never explored by the transnational drug corp.'s because there is no profit in doing so.
Dia Gnosis? I'd never thought to break the spelling down that way. It should have been Dio instead of Dia, if you intend the first part of the syllabification to be in Latin, but then Gnosis is Greek anyway, so you should be reading Theo Kinossis as a best transliteration into the English alphabet. God's Knowledge. I wonder where your doctor thinks he's getting that, you're not seeing some kind of channeling witch doctor are you?
It's a fallacy of the western world to divorce the physical from the spiritual. Physical death, after all, first came from a spiritual one. I'm not claiming some mysterious, mystical force; I am simply advocating cause and effect. If a woman smokes crack while she's pregnant, then she's going to give birth to a crack-baby. If a man beats his children in alcoholic rages, then those children are more likely to succumb to alcohol abuse than other children. If anyone truly finds it so hard to believe that generational consequences exist, then I'd like them to watch a woman give birth to a child and get back to me.

However, I'm really not interested in persuading a bunch of strangers to believe something they clearly do not wish to believe; I was interested in offering advice to someone in need. I have better things to do than argue with inexperienced skeptics.

I disagree. Satan isn't spiritually dead, he's a fallen angel. Now a spirit like Satan, who used to be Lucifer, doesn't actually seem to die. If you have some good exegesis on the Book of Revelation, feel free to rebut me, but I'll wait for that. The fallen angels are not dead, and I don't see any demons die in any of the Bible stories I've read, they are only cast out of people. Now the story of them entering the pigs and then running the pigs off the cliff, that would bear some prayer and meditation. Have you ever prayed and meditated on that story? And when the Holy Spirit answered you, did you receive a divinely inspired message that when the pigs died so did the demons? The Bible contains prophecies not only of the end of time, but of what will be in Heaven after the end of time, if you see the evil angels as ceasing to exist after the last judgement at the time of the resurrection, I'm for you. Looking forward to that myself. But Satan isn't dead yet, and neither are flash and blood human sinners. People are not dead in sin, they have made small or large errors of judgment and possibly behavior, which only Jesus can forgive them for. The problem with Protestantism isn't that people need priests to forgive their sins, it's more that there's also a legal loophole in the judicial system that lets these secret chamber psychologists into the economy, who look for "12 Step" programs, and courses of pills, and admittedly very small welfare cheques and rental assistance to substitute for the spiritual atonement. They're not dead. Even the actually crippled ones aren't dead, and if they were, a doctor would be able to do nothing about that anyway. Yeah, I know. Luke the evangelist was an actual practicing physician. But who performed the resurrection, Luke, or Jesus, of whom Luke wrote.
My fiance's dad killed himself, and his brother, and their father, and so on before......... now I feel those beings that cause suicide are after not only my fiance but me as well............ God isn't responding very angry about it for 15 years........... this stuff is hard hitting us........ the spirit of suicide won't go away type of thing what can or do we do to destroy them or stop it from happening?
May the Lord bless us and keep us close to him.

The first thought that comes to my mind is prayer. You need to just pray.

The second thought that comes to my mind is that you need to forgive those who have committed suicide. And forgive the spirit of suicide.

People in general do not know the power of forgiveness or to receive forgiveness. Nor do they understand the power of Prayer
My spiritual life is messed and messing up my physical one...... led zepplin no quarter the song as if referring to someone like me to carry news that must get through........ you can see I'm screwed up but the most part of it is psychiatry is a bit too nosy with me and noticed they make people remain in the illness through hospitalization and enough about them....... how the heck green berean can i break off all the spiritual attack on me? I keep praising God to get out of it, but the Lord seems to be a bit mean to me...... and says "No i will not help him."
Psychiatry is all archetypal. I know you're too old for role playing, but it goes a lot deeper than that. Each "disease" is a description of some agitated visible behaviors. Now I am by no means denying that some people are criminals, but when was the last time you heard about a serious criminal actually being sent to see a psychiatrist? Crime is one thing; psychoanalysis is something else. All psychiatric diseases in DSM 5, of which I own a copy, are of "the fidgets". Furthermore, psychiatric language is identical to the language of James Joyce, which I hope you haven't had to read, as it's abysmally bad. It's a "spelling game". As you might know from other posts on this site "spelling" is a common euphemism for witchery, although I assure you that they do more than invent new and silly words that no one can spell. If you ever get a chance, invest in a copy of DSM, and you'll start to understand what your real problem is viz the psychiatrist. Read some of those words out loud, with the Bible verse about "Wizards who peep and mutter." to the forefront of your mind. I'm sorry you have been sucked into that system of things, and if you're just out of work right now, then I hope that your circumstances, the economy, and the safety of yours and the potentially employing capitalists improve. Best of luck.
I have heard of generational curses and I've seen the scripture, however, I don't know it off the top of my head. The thing is, I've always been taught that the sins of the Mother or Father do not follow the children. If I steal and lie, that is my sin. If I've murdered someone, that is on me. God doesn't look at my children and say, 'Look what your mother did, since she did it, you are just as bad.' We all are responsible for our OWN sin. In saying that, it kinda makes the generational curse not make sense. Wouldn't a generational curse mean that the child is carrying on the sin from the parent? I have to agree with Jari on all of this..

Just my two cents
Tina :butterfly:
A generational curse is a vendetta against one family line of descent by another one. It isn't in the Bible, except by David against the Philistines, and you don't read that translation. All other curses in the Bible are of the ground (the land was cursed because of Cain's murder in front of the first alter of sacrifice). Don't worry anything at all about there being a generational curse against your family, unless you are descended from the Philistines.