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Your Opinion Please!

Due to a further reflection of pondering my post on “The Controlled Fall”, I would like to offer to Admin. that if they deem the content unsuitable for posting, they may remove it with my concurrence.

I’ve wanted to share that concept for a long time, to see what others think about it but I’ve decided that it may not be necessarily a good thing to share everything you think is or might be truth, because it can depend on the content. Though my intention is never to compete but always for us to learn and be encouraged together, I’m uncertain that it’s okay to share certain ideas that may generate more distaste than encouragement.

Judging from the replies I see, most are not too bothered by the article but for the sake of those who may silently be so, I’m offering this option.

I would like Admin. or anyone’s opinion, not necessarily about the thread, unless you also would like to include your input, but about the idea of posting it, but it’s okay if you choose not to reply. It’s a rare blessing to be able to share your heart, beliefs and ideas with others in “the household of God” without being judged.

Seated With Him (Eph 2:6) <><
Your Brother Bob (NC)
My good brother in Christ ..Iron sharpens Iron and we learn faith and gain wisdom from the breaking of Gods word with one another..
I for one welcome you're input and wisdom on the site and encourage you to break bread at the table as The Lord wills...Rev
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I’ve decided that it may not be necessarily a good thing to share everything you think is or might be truth, because it can depend on the content.

I agree that it's a tough call on a public forum,in this case however I think it was respectfully done and it really makes more sense than what has traditionally(dozens of traditions) been taught.

Anyway there are single verses way more controversial than a garden investigation.

Here's one:
Seated With Him (Eph 2:6)

This one will lead you back to the garden:
Romans 11:32 For God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.

There are many more things to consider also but my hope is that the same Spirit that leads me into seeking answers and solving mysteries also leads others and that more and more we begin to arrive at a consensus.

Dig this:
Job 28:1“There is a mine for silver and a place where gold is refined.
2 Iron is taken from the earth,and copper is smelted from ore.
3 Man puts an end to the darkness;he searches the farthest recesses for ore in the blackest darkness.
4 Far from where people dwell he cuts a shaft,in places forgotten by the foot of man;

Fellow miners are a good thing.
Staff Member
Hi Net,

I've been very busy so I did not read your threat, but if you want to briefly clarify what your referring to please do so. Thanks.

I agree, iron sharpens iron.
Upon further pondering it occurred to me:
If not now,when?

Before the internet I used to spend 4-6 hrs at the library to be able to have a wide enough range of study tools to check history,culture,etymology etc..

Now I have all those tools just a click away so we have better access to this information than any people at any time in recorded history.I don't have to find books on a shelf and I can read each verse in parallel in multiple translations and see how much deviation there is between translations.I feel safe to say that I can get done what took 4-6 hours at the library in about 45 minutes.

With this exponential learning it would be pretty amazing if we were not generating new questions,insights and discussions,we have way more access to information than the apostles and we have the exact same holy Spirit which can show us things that could have never been comprehended by men 2000 years ago.

John 16:12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
Have we even understood the things he did say yet?
Jacob wrestled the Lord for his blessing and I wrestle for anything that can help me do the works of God.
John 6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

Perhaps a group with a well selected name where we can throw stuff out there knowing it will be tested.
Not in an adversarial way but more of a cloud computing way to bring error to light or to steer or add to that which has merit.
By reasoning to gather we find a unity before God..an understanding of Gods word that can't be found any other way...
I have a favorite pocket Knive I carry it stays sharp because I dress it by drawing it on a stone ..every time I do it gets sharper
it takes the chincks out And removes any thing that makes it dull from use.
As we reason im doing the same to my spirit man , it brings out the best in us all for the Glory of God..
again I'm glad to be a part of this process and welcome each post with a hopefulness of being a better servant and friend..Rev
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I liked the post myself. I've sometimes wondered about the things that happened in the garden and recently held the view that Netchaplain posted. But Im also with him, there are things or ideas I have about certain things in the word but am sometimes afraid to post since I wonder if that could be a stumbling block or not. I just lack discernment in these things to know the proper thing to do.
I thank everyone who replied to my request. Best Holiday wishes to all your Families! God be blessed!