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Word for Today / ‘Lord, what should I do?’ (1)

Staff Member
‘Lord, what should I do?’ (1)

‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.’ Psalm 119:105 NIV

When you pray, ‘Lord, what should I do?’ He can respond to you in several ways. Let’s look at some over the next few days. He will answer you through His written Word. Instead of turning to ‘Tom, Jon and Harry’ for guidance, go to God. Make His Word your first option rather than your last resort.

The psalmist wrote, ‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.’ Without a regular daily intake of God’s Word, you’ll be ‘in the dark’ as to what’s best for you and the direction your life should go. ‘I, the Lord, will speak what I will, and it shall be fulfilled.’ (Ezekiel 12:25 NIV) If God says it in His Word, you can count on it. There are precepts in Scripture, but mainly God has given us principles to follow. These principles require wisdom and discernment.

The psalmist said, ‘I believe in Your commands; now teach me good judgment and knowledge.’ (Psalm 119:66 NLT) This doesn’t mean you must have a particular verse for every decision or move you make. That’s not how it works. Most times when you ask God for guidance, He will give you ‘good judgment and knowledge’, and that’s enough to get you moving in the right direction. Will you sometimes experience fear? Yes, but that’s when you must use your faith! Your greatest clarity as to God’s will often comes from hindsight, not foresight. It’s in looking back on how God has led you that you say, ‘Not one word has failed of all the good promises He gave.’ (1 Kings 8:56 NIV)

written by Bob Gass
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‘Lord, what should I do?’ (1)

‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.’ Psalm 119:105 NIV

When you pray, ‘Lord, what should I do?’ He can respond to you in several ways. Let’s look at some over the next few days. He will answer you through His written Word. Instead of turning to ‘Tom, ****, and Harry’ for guidance, go to God. Make His Word your first option rather than your last resort.

The psalmist wrote, ‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.’ Without a regular daily intake of God’s Word, you’ll be ‘in the dark’ as to what’s best for you and the direction your life should go. ‘I, the Lord, will speak what I will, and it shall be fulfilled.’ (Ezekiel 12:25 NIV) If God says it in His Word, you can count on it. There are precepts in Scripture, but mainly God has given us principles to follow. These principles require wisdom and discernment.

The psalmist said, ‘I believe in Your commands; now teach me good judgment and knowledge.’ (Psalm 119:66 NLT) This doesn’t mean you must have a particular verse for every decision or move you make. That’s not how it works. Most times when you ask God for guidance, He will give you ‘good judgment and knowledge’, and that’s enough to get you moving in the right direction. Will you sometimes experience fear? Yes, but that’s when you must use your faith! Your greatest clarity as to God’s will often comes from hindsight, not foresight. It’s in looking back on how God has led you that you say, ‘Not one word has failed of all the good promises He gave.’ (1 Kings 8:56 NIV)

written by Bob Gass

I love this thread, but we still need to talk to people who have more knowledge on the particular issue so we can be able to solve the problem.The Word of God has the final solution to all issues ,but there are many in the world who do not know Jesus Christ yet and will not be able to apply the bible or God's Word to solve their problems, In a case like this, one with much knowledge of the Word is needed.Am I right?