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Word 4U 2day / Where's your head at?

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Where's your head at?


You wouldn't expect your telly to work if it wasn't plugged in would you? Or your ipod to work with no battery? And however much you want your mobile phone never to run out of credit, you know that there will come a time when you're going to have to top up! If you don't; the thing's useless, even if you've got the latest all singing all dancing model. Well don't expect to live the Christian life without powering up either! You may look great, but nothing much will happen. Ephesians 5:18 tells us to 'be filled with the Spirit.' God's Holy Spirit is like our spiritual power supply. You need to be filled with Holy Spirit; God's Power, because only then are you going to be able to experience the effects of God in your life. Check out the New Testament for examples of what happens when people are filled with Holy Spirit. AMAZING!

When your mobile is topped up and charged up it can do what it was designed to do. When you get topped up and charged up with God Power, you're able to do what you were designed to do, too.

What are you waiting for? Get praying for God to fill you with His Holy Spirit, so you can see the effects of God's power flowing in and out of your life.

Ever wanted to 'punch someone's lights out'? Abishai was a bit like that. He was a friend of David, who had a best mate called Jonathan, whose dad was called Saul, who was really jealous of David and wanted to stick a spear through his head (no really!)

The whole situation made an episode of Eastenders look like the Teletubbies (check it out in 1 Samuel 18)! A few episodes later (1 Samuel 26) we find David, who'd run for his life, in a situation where if he wanted to, he could stick a spear through Saul's head instead! Revenge! His mate Abishai was well up for it (1 Samuel 26:8), and actually believed that it was what God wanted. But David knew God better. More than wanting to punch Saul's lights out, for treating him so badly, he wanted Saul to know God, so he chose to act God's way. He was more interested in making God known, than making himself known. More willing to trust God to sort out Saul, than do it himself.

David was no wimp, he could have taken Saul out, but He chose to do things God's way. Where's your head at? Do you get your fists out or stab at people with pointed words? DON'T DO IT! God says, 'don't insist on getting even, that's not for you...I'll take care of it' (Romans 8:19).

written by Bob Gass