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Word 4U 2day/ Watch where you're going!

Staff Member
Watch where you're going!

'The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.' 1 PETER 4:7

Walk along the road with your head down looking at the pavement, and it won't be long before you end up walking smack bang into something and it's gonna hurt! We need to look ahead to what God is sending our way, we need to watch out for it and prepare for it. Otherwise we won't see it coming!

'The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self controlled so that you can pray.' God wants us to talk to Him about what's up ahead and what's going to matter when we get there!

Have you seen the film Slumdog Millionaire? It's about a young guy from a very poor background in India, who wins 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire'. How does he know the answers? The film takes you on a journey through his life. For each question, he had learnt the answer through events that had happened in his life (often difficult and sad situations). He was not incredibly intelligent; he didn't have a massive knowledge about the world. It just so happened that the questions he was asked, he had learnt the answer, through how he had lived his life. As a result he became a millionaire!

Amazing! Now being a Christian isn't about winning Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, but it is about making your life count. Watch where you're going. Talk to God about what's up ahead.

written by Bob Gass