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Word 4U 2day/Exam Pressure

Staff Member
Exam Pressure


Even the thought of them can make you feel sick and dizzy, so not many people look forward to that time of year when EXAMS come around. Aaagghh! Ever wish you didn't get stressed? Wouldn't it be great if no matter what was going on you could just handle it; no stress; no pressure; feeling good 100%?

Well if Paul learnt how to do just that, so can you! How did he learn it? He sat every single exam that was given to him. In every test of life he clung hold of Jesus and said; 'show me how to get through this God'. He had his fair share of tests to put up with: he was beaten to a pulp, shipwrecked, ridiculed, imprisoned in the type of places that would be illegal today, and even stoned (and we're not talking drugs here, we're talking being pelted with bricks)! He could have thrown in the towel anytime, given up on God, but instead he said, 'I can make it through anything because Jesus gives me strength (Philippians 4:13).

Through sticking with Jesus he 'learned to be content whatever the circumstances' (Philippians 4:11) Heaven is cheering you on today so don't give in! When you get knocked down get up again! Be more determined than ever to live for Jesus! And you like Paul will find that stress can be overcome by God's power.

written by Bob Gass
Don't give up!

I agree, I rely on. Philippians 4:13, I can do everything through Him Who gives me strength.

John 16:33, I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But, take heart! I have overcome the world.

Ties in with Philippians 4:13