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Word 4 U 2day/THE RIGHT STUFF (4)

Staff Member
How to crave the right stuff (4)

'... Deliver us from the evil one ...' Matthew 6:13

Our last look at the Lord's Prayer starts with a question: What do you pray when temptation is crawling up your collar? Answer: 'Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one...' (v. 13 NKJ). It's not God who dangles the carrot of temptation: we have certain pulls and desires within us, and Satan wants to jump on them. Therefore we pray for God to save us from ourselves and to deliver us, or rescue us, from the evil one's exploitative traps. Here's the good news then: if we bring our weaknesses to God, not only does He work on our behalf; in the process we get closer to Him. Paul had this one sussed: 'I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me' (2 Cor. 12:9 NLT). Paul actually boasts - yes, boasts! - about his weaknesses: 'So I wouldn't get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations...' (2 Cor: 12:7 TM).

You'll often find a weakness attached to strength, acting as a governor to keep you from becoming boastful or running ahead of God. Gideon chose 32,000 men to fight the Midianites, but God reduced his numbers to 300 (see Judges 7). Why? So that Israel would know it was God's power and not their own that saved them . Your most painful area of weakness CAN become your area of greatest strength: so, pray into it, hard, and watch yourself walk more and more closely with God at the same time.

What now? Got a mentor yet? Seriously, what are you waiting for? They're worth their weight in gold. Consider sharing some of your weaknesses with a trusted and mature Christian and ask them to hold you responsible and to support you.

written by Bob Gass