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Word 4 U 2day/Definitely Maybe (1)

Staff Member
Definitely Maybe (1)

''...it may be that the Lord will work for us...'' 1 Samuel 14:6

Jonathan, King Saul's son, crept into enemy territory till he was right in the barracks, face to face with a swarm of armed soldiers. 'Maybe, just maybe, this wasn't such a good idea after all,' he thought. Maybe he should've waited until he got the go-ahead from the intelligence guys back home.

Maybe he should've brought more back-up. Maybe he should've waited until all the stars lined up in the sky spelling 'Attack now, Johnny Boy!' Maybe.

But Jonathan had more faith than that. His belief was proactive. His confidence in God was the dangerous type. '...It may be that the Lord will work for us' was his attitude. And his certainty in God started a chain reaction off in the Philistines' camp that led to victory for Israel.

The point of the story isn't that God rewards mavericks that go off and do their own thing. It's more a lesson in finding out what pleases God and then doing it. If you wait for perfect conditions you'll never achieve anything.

A lot of impressive God-go-getters haven't necessarily received clear instructions in how to change the world. They are merely acting on a hunch of what they believe pleases God. So you've not specifically heard God ask you to volunteer for the coffee rota... well maybe, just maybe, He might be pleased if you did.

Here's the thing; you're going to face a lot more 'maybes' than 'definitelys' in your faith. So why not turn those uncertainties into definitely maybes?

written by Bob Gass