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What's your pet peeve?

:girl: One of my pet peeves are mean people being mean to the less fortunate, less affluent, less popular, etc, etc. What's yours?
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That's one of my big pet peeves but my biggest one is people who are annoying and they know they are and they bug you on purpose and just won't leave you alone!
the girls who tell people that they are ugly so that the other people will feed them compliments, it's just attention seeking and annoying when they know they are gorgeous.
I know what you mean, my cousin does that...we are mortal enemies, the gulf between us increases, arrrrrrrrrgh!!!!

I hate it when people talk themselves up and lie to try and intimidate you and make you feel inferior to them so you will submit to them. These people need a solid kick in the behind, amongst other things *slap of the wrist* lol.
I also dont like peope who are too proud to admit when they are wrong and those who try to impose themselves upon others. But I'll tell you what I do like...coco!!!!!!! Let the world bask in the soothing taste of coco *sips coco, looks at screen in gratitude that nobody here knows him personally*
I think we are in agreement.....mean people stink, nice people rule! eh?
I have a hard time with this one.. especially because God tells us to love our enemies. This is the hardest thing for me to do. Taming my tongue is the next hardest thing......but i'm trying. Talking about mean, have you guys ever been to fast food places,restaurants, or stores and the service people have a nasty attitude? I thought the customer was always right, what happened to that motto?
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lol that reminds of the time I opened an account at HSBC, I was accused of being an asylum seeker despite the fact that I had my passport with me, and the person doing the accusing wasnt even native to the country anyway!!!!! Arrrrrrrrgh! I wish I could have pelted her with a cream pie. Oh well *sigh*.
My pet peeve, and I really detest this - is hearing people taking the Lord's name in vain. He is my Saviour, my best Friend, and to hear people taking His name in vain really really annoys me. It's the first thing makes me turn the tv off, even if it's not me watching the programme. gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr
My pet peeve is people who don't geniflect as they pass the alter, which by all accounts is passing our Lord. A bit of courtesy people.

And dishes too, good call HistoryMaker!
I cannot stand it when someone chews their food with their mouth open. It's gross and breathing out of your mouth, thats why God gave you a nose. Use it!
On returning from holidays in the Ukraine recently my new pet peeve would have to be an organised puppy death-match. Why would any puppy want to fight it's sibling to death for a dry cracker. Unbelievable.
thats amazing i just saw an amazing documentary on the Ukraine. Wow what a rich and diverse culture! Its a sad fact of life barbaric acts of puppy related violence. I read a travel guide before i venture to a foreign land it warns of places not to go perhaps you should read before you travel again?
Yours in God.
Peace be with you!
Tresspassers are my pet peeve - people who go onto your territory and don't respect your wishes or feelings. Like there are some friends you want to say, "my house is your house." Then there are others who walk in your house and go to your refrigerator uninvited.

A annoying incident.

At my work place there was this really snarky young punk who thought he was "all that". The sad thing was that he thought himself to be something "great" when in reality he was nothing. He was especially cruel to me. He made me feel dumb and acted as if he were better. He even kicked me when I was down and acted as if he never even knew why I was so upset. So I just took my finger and slightly pulled my lower eye lid down and stuck my tongue out at him. It really was funny. I laughed and laughed. He thought I was crazy. But I really waz having fun.

Later on I bought him his favorite drink as a treat. He smiled and thanked me although afterward he completely ignored me. I guess snarky people will always be snarky people. But I'll love them anyway.

My biggest peeve is intolerance full stop, especially of race, that really really
really gets me! In particular colour, man I cant bear that, people who have a problem with things like that are going to spend a long time reflecting on it put it that way>>> Love The Lord - Jesus