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what does he see in you?

This worthy man, what does he see in you?
When you ran after the vain
When you bring nothing but pain
This awesome man, what does he see in you?
When you are very much weak
When you can’t stand on your feet
This merciful man, what does he see in you?
When your heart is full of pride and rage
When it thinks of nothing but revenge
This patient man, what does he see in you?
When you are unstable as the waters
When you are unable to see beyond the mountains
Why does he hang about?
What is it that you’ve got?
It’s the blood, the blood on your face
The one he gave by grace
There is nothing more true
Until death HE LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!
yes, sister. Kind of like a thunp on the head: hay did I get your attention?--hay did I get your attention?--and then ends with the blood more caustly than silver or gold. I like it very much. Thanks
Thanks guys
I read this post somewhere here on TJ, it was about not being able to be saved because the person thinks that he sinned a lot.
God sees us through his son! No one could stand before him except through his son.