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Thyme Roasted Salmon

Since it's grilling time here I thought I'd share a yummy recipe with you all. Enjoy!

Thyme Roasted Salmon

Serves: 4

From: Pittsburgh Tribune Review

1 (1 1/2 lb) Salmon Fillet

3 Tablespoon Olive Oil

Salt and Pepper to taste

1 bunch of fresh Thyme (@ 3 T fresh)

Put Salmon in a shallow roasting pan - rub fillet w/ oil - sprinkle with salt & pepper. Rub with thyme.

Cover with plastic wrap & refrigerate for several hours or all day.

Heat oven to 400 degrees OR grill by placing on aluminum foil over the grill.

Cook 15-20 min. Slide spatula between meat and skin (this should be easy to do when the meat is fully cooked). It should cook until opaque throughout. To serve scrap off excess thyme. Enjoy!
Sounds good to me, but I'm a spicy chick I see a bottle of hot sauce or my mom's home made green seasoning pouring over it .....salt and pepper can't do it for me. lol

Thanks for sharing.

Now I'm hungry...:smiling-animated::clapping: