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The Three Ps

Sue J Love

Mar 27, 2015
Tuesday, September 19, 2017, 4:47 a.m. – The Lord Jesus put in mind the song “Trust Him.” Speak, Lord, your words to my heart. I read Matthew 5:1-12 (ESV).

Poor in Spirit (vv. 1-6)

Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him.

And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Happy or fortunate are we from having received God’s spiritual benefits and provisions to us as a result of his grace to us, by the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross for our sins, and through our believing heart response to Christ’s love and mercy to us. He demonstrated his love to us by dying on the cross for our sins even while we were still dead in our sins, so that we could go free from slavery to sin and have eternal life with God. Amen!

So, what should be our believing heart response to Christ’s love and mercy to us? We should humble ourselves before God with contrite (remorseful) hearts, confessing and repenting (turning away from) our sins. And, we should bow before him in humble submission to his will for our lives, making him Lord (owner-master) of our lives and us his bond-servants (slaves). We should take this attitude that our lives are no longer our own, to be lived how we want, for we were bought back for God with the blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross for our sins, so we are to honor God with our lives.

Then, we should no longer live to please ourselves and to gratify the sinful cravings of our flesh, but now our lives should be lived for God, to walk in his ways, his truth, his holiness and his righteousness. In fact, serving God and obeying his will should be top priority in our lives. We should desire our Lord more than anything else, and want to please him in all that we do and say, rather than live our lives to be accepted by others. This means we don’t give God a small portion of our lives or our time or our talents and the rest is ours to do with what we want, but we submit ALL to him to follow him.

Pure in Heart (vv. 7-9)

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

Whereas the first section of this writing dealt primarily with our relationship to God, this section deals primarily with our relationships with other human beings. We are blessed of God when we show others his mercy, for mercy will then be shown to us, perhaps in similar circumstances, and in similar ways. To show mercy is to be compassionate, kindhearted, sympathetic, forgiving and benevolent towards others, particularly as they are suffering or are in need. Yet, mercy never entails compromise of faith, tolerance (acceptance) of evil, or placating of (appeasing, pacifying) sin. For instance, it is never kind to lie to people or to withhold from them the truth in order to make them feel good about themselves in their sins.

For, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are to be pure in heart, not only in relationship to God, but in all our attitudes, thinking, desires, affections and actions towards others. To be pure in heart means to be unadulterated (untainted, unmixed) with the world, and with regard to sin, and within our whole being – mind, body and soul. This means that, in all our sympathy, compassion and kindness towards others that we exemplify purity (integrity, honor, decency, goodness, morality, and uprightness) and that we don’t use sympathy as an excuse to engage in sinful acts or to tolerate sin in others.

As well, people often confuse the terms “peacemaking” and “peacekeeping.” They are not one and the same. A peacekeeper is one who tries to keep peace – absence of conflict - at all costs, including the compromise of principle, truth, integrity, personal health and well-being, sanity, true conflict resolution, and sincerity (genuineness) in order to avoid conflict of any kind. This helps no one, it saves no one, and only serves to internalize anger and resentment within the mind and heart of the peacekeeper, and brings nothing to resolution.

Jesus Christ was a peacemaker, not a peacekeeper. He never compromised his faith and integrity for the sake of absence of conflict. In fact, he frequently incited conflict in order to bring about conflict resolution. He took head on the Pharisees and religious leaders of his day. He did not sugar-coat anything with them. He told them the truth about their wickedness and their hypocrisy, and this only angered them more. Yet, he did so because he cared about their sinful condition, and because he was concerned about the people whom they were leading astray, and so he brought these things to the surface so they could be dealt with, so that true peace could come to the hearts of his listeners, which is peace with God, forgiveness of sins, restoration with God, and true fellowship with Jesus Christ. Amen!

Persecuted for Christ (vv. 10-12)

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."

When we are poor (humble) in spirit and pure (upright) in heart, in relation to God and in our dealings with others, and when we are Christ-like in being peacemakers, instead of being peacekeepers, we can expect to also be persecuted by those who do compromise with the world, and who do so in order to make “peace” with the world and to be accepted by everyone. For purity of heart and humbleness of spirit before God, and refusal to compromise faith and convictions, is not popular, and is often scorned and derided as being self-righteous, hateful, bigoted, and intolerant of others who are different from us. Yet, although we should be tolerant (patient, sympathetic, gracious and considerate) towards all people, we should never be tolerant (accepting, indulgent or lenient) towards sinful lifestyles.

Yet, when we are being persecuted (mistreated, abused, slandered) for doing what is right, and for standing on the Truth of God’s Word, we should rejoice that we are counted worthy to suffer for the sake of Christ and for his gospel of salvation. For many people will say whatever people want to hear because they want to be liked by them, and they call that being kind, but lies are never kind. Lies send people straight to hell. People may hate and persecute you in this life for telling them the truth of the gospel, but if later they respond positively to that truth, they will thank you in eternity for helping to save their souls and to lead them to eternal life with God.

So, don’t be ashamed of Christ or his gospel, or be afraid of what people might do to you, but keep on sharing the gospel, for many need to hear the truth, and, if not now, later they will thank you for it. So, be bold, be strong, be courageous, and be pure in heart and walk in love, and do not be afraid.

Trust Him / An Original Work
August 15, 2012 / Based off Psalm 27:14

Wait for the Lord; be of courage;
Be strong and take heart today.
Do not fear when foes attack you.
Trust in God always.
He will rescue you in times
Of trouble and distress,
He’ll comfort you in all ways
As you trust Him with your life today.
Trust in Him always.

God is with you; He’ll not leave you.
You can always count on Him.
He will fulfill all He promised
Before you began.
His word teaches you
All that you need for this life.
Let Him lead you. Open your heart;
Let his truth envelope you today.
Listen and obey.

Love your Lord God; follow Jesus.
Repent of your sins today.
Make Him your Lord and your master;
Trust Him and obey.
Follow Him where’er He leads you
In His service; be His witness,
Telling others about Jesus’
Price that He did pay
For your sins always.

Interesting about difference between peacemaking and peacekeeping.

Isnt the USA military about peacekeeping. Don't they have aomething called a peace corp? That arguably helps no one?

I dont know if other countries have them by differrent names but that is what its called.
Interesting about difference between peacemaking and peacekeeping.

Isnt the USA military about peacekeeping. Don't they have aomething called a peace corp? That arguably helps no one?

I dont know if other countries have them by differrent names but that is what its called.
Yeah. Peacekeepers have guns.
So then what are we: peacekeepers or peacemakers or both or neither? God knows,

O Lord, make me what I ought to be!
A lady I know posted something on facebook about how gay marriage or homosexuality is not Gods way and her daughter got angry and said she wasnt going to see them for christmas holidays and called her mother a bigot.

It was quite disturbing to see this family spat on facebook. I dont think her mother was being hateful to anyone. It was the daughter being in a tizz.
So then what are we: peacekeepers or peacemakers or both or neither? God knows,

O Lord, make me what I ought to be!

LOL Amadeus...You are a parent? You know that peacemakers and peacekeeper both have to pack a punch on occasion. So ....We are both.
So then what are we: peacekeepers or peacemakers or both or neither? God knows,

O Lord, make me what I ought to be!

Well, we should never compromise biblical values, morals, holiness, righteousness, truth, and integrity in order to avoid conflict of any kind. We should also not compromise with this sinful world in order to make “peace” with the world, and in order to be accepted by everyone. Although we should be tolerant (patient, sympathetic, gracious and considerate) towards all people, we should never be tolerant (accepting, indulgent or lenient) towards sinful lifestyles or towards the blending of religions so that others don't get upset with us. If we can avoid unnecessary and unproductive conflict without sinning against God, and still demonstrate God-like love towards others, then so be it. But, so many times peacekeeping means sinful compromise and what will actually bring ultimate harm to others or to relationships because no one wants to ever be the "bad guy."
A lady I know posted something on facebook about how gay marriage or homosexuality is not Gods way and her daughter got angry and said she wasnt going to see them for christmas holidays and called her mother a bigot.

It was quite disturbing to see this family spat on facebook. I dont think her mother was being hateful to anyone. It was the daughter being in a tizz.
When we stand for what we believe in, and we speak the truth, even in love, people who disagree with us are not going to like us, they may even fight against us, and may reject us, even if they are our own family members. Jesus said he didn't come to bring peace but a sword and to turn family members one against another. What he meant by that, I believe, is that when we choose to follow him, and to stand on his Word, and to walk in holiness and be people of integrity, we are going to get rejected, even by those closest to us, and they may persecute us, too, because we think differently from them.

On the other hand, we can, in the flesh, be obnoxious, forceful, truly unkind and unloving in our approach with others, and even though we are standing on the truth, that doesn't make us in the right. We need to speak the truth IN LOVE with AGAPE LOVE, which prefers what God prefers, and which follows our Lord's example. And, then, if we are rejected and persecuted, we can praise the Lord that we are being persecuted for righteousness' sake.
LOL Amadeus...You are a parent? You know that peacemakers and peacekeeper both have to pack a punch on occasion. So ....We are both.
I have children,, but they are long since grown. I have innumerable grandchildren and one great-grandson.
I have children,, but they are long since grown. I have innumerable grandchildren and one great-grandson.
I have 13 grandchildren and #14 on the way, but no great-grandchildren yet, so you have me beat. :) But, I am not looking to have a great-grandchild anytime soon. I hope some of them live near you where you can enjoy them.
No children...dont know if will have any natural children but many spiritual children.

Sometimes feel like a mother to my own parents. Dad eat your veges. I need to drop mum at work. Also seems like I need to make peace between them when one complains about the other.

Plus over 400 retired residents I garden for. Was verbally abused by one the other day, this lady swore ar me for accidently watering her deck when the hose spun out of control but, today I got compliments for planting flowers.

Now the hard part is peacemaking so that all my workmates can get along with each other.

I heard many people say marriage is all about compromise.

So its best not to marry if it means you have to do that...well thats my view. Nothing wrong with being single.
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I heard many people say marriage is all about compromise.

So its best not to marry if it means you have to do that...well thats my view. Nothing wrong with being single.

Compromise is not a bad thing if it isn't compromising morals, values, the Word of God, and our faith in Jesus Christ, etc. We all make compromises, probably every day, but they are ones that don't matter for eternity. Yes, marriage is compromise, because it is two separate people with different backgrounds, personalities, bents, etc. becoming one flesh - two people with different ideas about things, etc. And, although the Bible teaches the wife is to submit to her husband, which is true, it also says we are to submit to one another, and that the husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. So, it is give and take on both sides, with two people coming together as one, and with either one yielding, at times, to the other out of love, preference for the other, with full respect, honor, etc. But, the man is still head, even when he willingly yields to the expressed desires of his wife, but neither should ever yield to sin or compromise their faith in order to make peace. We compromise over things that don't matter for eternity, like disputable matters, as the Bible talks about.
Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness, but a faithful man who can find? Proverbs 20:6

I thought the Bible was joking when I read that. How funny Lord. And who wrote that..was it a rhetorical question? King Solomon who had like 900 wives. Maybe he thought he was being faithful to all of them, cos he could afford it lol.

Well I thankfully I found Him, who will never leave me nor forsake me.

Sometimes things men do just dont make sense.

Like, Mary must have thought Joseph was mad to make her journey to Bethlehem while she was 9 months pregnant when she could have stayed home with Elizabeth. It wasnt her homeland.

Elizabeth might have had peace and quiet when Zechariah talked back to the angel. You dont try and correct an angel!

What were Abigail, Michal etc thinking when David turned to Bathsheba just cos he saw her naked in the bathtub. Hello new wife?

Sarah waited for ages and ages for a baby. But you promised! Lets have one now, go sleep with my maid Hagar. Surprisingly, Abraham agreed. Silly man, she probably didnt think he would actually do it!

Leah had a raw deal with Jacob. She gave him many children, but he preferred her sister cos she was prettier.

Ruth had to sneakily engineeer a proposal to Boaz, otherwise he would have got cold feet.
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I have 13 grandchildren and #14 on the way, but no great-grandchildren yet, so you have me beat. :) But, I am not looking to have a great-grandchild anytime soon. I hope some of them live near you where you can enjoy them.
Near, but not too near, if you understand my meaning. We do love them all, but sometimes distance make the heart grow fonder.

I loved to play with my grandchildren getting down on the floor with them or going out into the yard or to a neighborhood park. When my great-grandson come to visit, I'd like to do the same thing, but this old body quickly runs our of energy and I get out of breath. Fortunately our son is wise about our short-comings and will soon gather his flock and get on out of our hair so we can rest.

But, Give God the glory for those natural offspring.
Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness, but a faithful man who can find? Proverbs 20:6
I believe that that verse is using the word "men" with reference to any member of the human race without respect to sexual gender. But, you may take it way...LOL
Of course, as you may find, it is a two-way street. That is it works both ways.
I heard many people say marriage is all about compromise.

So its best not to marry if it means you have to do that...well thats my view. Nothing wrong with being single.
LOL You don't have to marry to be in a situation where compromise is necessary.

Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness, but a faithful man who can find? Proverbs 20:6
You do have some funny ideas my dear friend....This verse is not talking about husbands so much as unfaithful servants/ disciples. Though people of both sexes can be unfaithful mates.
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Grand critters make you feel young again...But they do tire you out fast too. LOL I have twelve Grands and fourteen Great grand critters....
Wow! You must be really old. :) Oh, I get the being warn out part big time! I don't multitask well like I did when I was younger, either, so when I have a bunch of grandchildren running around and asking questions and such it is more confusing for me than when I had young ones of my own. But, I would not want to be young again. Been there. Done that! :) I like where I am in life, and that is a good thing.
Wow! You must be really old. :) Oh, I get the being warn out part big time! I don't multitask well like I did when I was younger, either, so when I have a bunch of grandchildren running around and asking questions and such it is more confusing for me than when I had young ones of my own. But, I would not want to be young again. Been there. Done that! :) I like where I am in life, and that is a good thing.
473 years is NOT old! LOL Thank you for the giggle my dear friend.