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The Burning Bush

Behold, the bush burned with fire...and the bush was not consumed...
Exodus 3: 2

It is one of the odd things in life that we call this the passage of the burning bush, when the passage tells us quite distinctly that the bush did not burn.

The bush was nor burning; it was God who was the flame of fire. So what does that tell us about God? Because this is what God is saying to Moses....He is saying "I am the living God, living in the most absolute sense" Did you ever come across a fire that did not require fuel upon which to feed? Here is an undying flame which needs no fuel. Here is the living God

And look...He has come down as the gracious living God to indwell the most ordinary humdrum thing, and make it effulgent with his own radience. The undying flame of God in a meagre dessert bush.

Further, it is a revelation of God as the Holy One This is not the firsttime that God is called 'holy' in the bible..."Draw not nigh hither; put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy" Where God is holiness is!

In verse 6...Exodus 3: 6 he reveals himself as the faithful God
"I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob" - the God who continues patiently, faithfully, with his people

Further, He is a caring and delivering God Exodus 3; 7-8

It begins with the revelation of God, the living God coming down into the ordinary; the holy God, yet presencing Himself with ordinary folks; the faithful God pledging Himself to his people; the caring and delivering God committing Himself to action.

The God who opened Moses eyes to the need...and opened Moses ears to the call............