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.......thank u!!!

I know I wasnt always there for you,
when u needed my help and
I guess I just tryed to get out of your way
but it didnt work....

I didnt care about you cause
i thought it was your fault that
alot of things in my life didnt work out
the way I wanted them to....
Now i know i was wrong!!!!!!!

But you were ther and held
out your hand for me to take it,
in times i was feeling bad and
in times i was happy..

You were akway ther for me
and it took me a long time
to relize that i didnt have to be perfect
to take your hand,cause noone is...
I just have to be me!!!

U know me and u can look
in my heart and you always know
what im thinking or what im gonna
say next...

im thankful for having such
a good friend...
knowing his always there for me
makes me happy...


Wow that is awsome Kara.
Did you write this?
I wish I could do something like that I guess I can try
Nice Poem.

Nice Poem. May God continue to bless you.

uknowme said:
I know I wasnt always there for you,
when u needed my help and
I guess I just tryed to get out of your way
but it didnt work....

I didnt care about you cause
i thought it was your fault that
alot of things in my life didnt work out
the way I wanted them to....
Now i know i was wrong!!!!!!!

But you were ther and held
out your hand for me to take it,
in times i was feeling bad and
in times i was happy..

You were akway ther for me
and it took me a long time
to relize that i didnt have to be perfect
to take your hand,cause noone is...
I just have to be me!!!

U know me and u can look
in my heart and you always know
what im thinking or what im gonna
say next...

im thankful for having such
a good friend...
knowing his always there for me
makes me happy...


first of all thanks for the nice words....:)
yeah i wrote this....
i think everyone can write somethin like this..u just need to try

god bless