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Musician Partnership

Im looking for anyone who may like to join me in creating christian music. We could do this by sharing online music files and recordings. I use Logic and have access to ProTools. I like to sing, write and compose digital melodies. If youre interested, please let me know. Lets make music that is based around God.
  • Jesus_is_LORD-----I am extrememly interested! I tried replying back to your response and music uploads...but I am fairly new to this site and have navigation issues. You are talented! I believe we could collaborate and complement eachothers musical ideas..... the best part is that it will be done with love for our lord :smile:
Im looking for anyone who may like to join me in creating christian music. We could do this by sharing online music files and recordings. I use Logic and have access to ProTools. I like to sing, write and compose digital melodies. If youre interested, please let me know. Lets make music that is based around God.
Yes me also using logic