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Magic Mirror

1 Corinthians 13:12: "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

It's a widely accepted modern myth in our computer-driven, technological age that people today are in some way more advanced than people of thousands of years ago.

The biblical picture is that man has always been man. He has the same emotions, cares and needs today that he has always had. He has always been as curious about his world as he is today. The biblical measure of man is not technological, but moral.

Most of these points are difficult to prove. However, occasionally modern man discovers ancient evidence that reveals amazing technology and inventiveness. The "makyo," or magic mirror, was invented in China centuries ago. It's a mirror made of polished bronze that has a design cast into the back. When the mirror is used to reflect light onto a screen, the image on the back of the mirror appears on the screen.

Why does the makyo do that? The first scientific paper on the subject was published in 1877. Modern scientists have studied the mirrors using the most sophisticated metal analysis methods known. Yet, they have not been able to figure out the mirror's secret. That nameless Chinese inventor who designed the makyo centuries ago was a genius, indeed.

Man is ever curious and inventive. However, the true measure for each of us centers on the forgiveness of sins that has been won for us by Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.

Magic Mirror | Creation Moments