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An Original Work / April 14, 2018

Time is ticking;
Running out.
Where is your faith?
Do you doubt?

What’s your practice?
Where’s your life?
Who’s your idol
For tonight?

Making noises,
Sing your songs.
Blow your trumpets.
Clang your gongs.

Throw your parties.
Chat with friends.
Never ends.

Love pursuing.
Never find.
Sin’s addictions
Not rewind.

Going nowhere.
Spin your wheels.
Lust and lewdness
Are the thrill.

Jesus Christ is
Not your life.
You profess Him.
That’s not right.

Make him your Lord,
King today.
Humble yourself.
Bow and pray.

Turn from your sin.
Flesh depart.
Let Him now live
In your heart.

You will be glad
That you did.
Your life now in
Him be hid.
An Original Work / April 14, 2018

Time is ticking;
Running out.
Where is your faith?
Do you doubt?

What’s your practice?
Where’s your life?
Who’s your idol
For tonight?

Making noises,
Sing your songs.
Blow your trumpets.
Clang your gongs.

Throw your parties.
Chat with friends.
Never ends.

Love pursuing.
Never find.
Sin’s addictions
Not rewind.

Going nowhere.
Spin your wheels.
Lust and lewdness
Are the thrill.

Jesus Christ is
Not your life.
You profess Him.
That’s not right.

Make him your Lord,
King today.
Humble yourself.
Bow and pray.

Turn from your sin.
Flesh depart.
Let Him now live
In your heart.

You will be glad
That you did.
Your life now in
Him be hid.