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Lost faith in the people who claim they r Christian

Staff Member
Twistie needs to explain his explanation for not explaining his previous comment. Or am I the only one having difficulty deciphering his cryptic writing?
Dear rstrats,
I saw your query of him, and his reply back to you. That is the reason I decided to interject myself to see if I could get him to understand that sometimes one needs clarity from the person posting.
What you sought understanding for was: "Nope the ones who r r what I call the walking dead discernment is a must have in these days"
After a few postings back and forth, they finally offered "I don't see why one can not understand walking dead in another sense they have no Light in them its all written"

I'm assuming from your original query and his response that one requires discernment when dealing with unbelievers.
How that fits into any of his previous postings I have no idea since I just picked up on this from the point of your question and their initial response to your query.

I hope this helps you. I tried as best as I could to arrive to something you might be able to understand.

With the Love of Christ Jesus.
To be honest I don't understand most of what is supposed to be going on here. So I shall move on and not further detract from whatever it is.