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If I ........

IF I had
the wisdom of Soloman,
the patience of John,
the meekness of Moses,
the strength of Samson,
the obedience of Abraham,
the compassion of Joseph,
the tears of Jeremiah,
the poetic skill of David,
the phophetic voice of Elijah,
the courage of Daniel,
the greatness of John the Baptist,
the endurance and love of Paul,

I would still need redemption
through Christ's blood, the forgiveness of sin

~R. L. Wheeler

I just brought a new book, and this was in it! It is so true!

God Bless You,
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Thanks for sharing that Dannielle! It's humbling to know we are on the same par as such great Bible heros. :)

God bless you,
I love that, thanks for sharring, it rings true and i am falling in love with it... lol, but yes, God bless you sister;)
Thanks!!:) I just love this poem...and the most important thing is that all is true...every human being needed to be saved by the blood of Christ!

God bless you
Christina :love: