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I don't understand.

Well I was on ebay searching for pro-life bumper stickers and this non-prolife one shows up and it says:

"War is not pro-life"

I am still trying to figure what the person who made it was trying to say.

NOTE............ I do NOT agree with whatever/what this person means in the message because it is a pro-abortion slogan.

Well I was thinking maybe they meant:

Killing people is not good because war is killing people..... but if thats what they meant it sounds a lot like a pro-life slogan.

My head hurts. Any ideas?

Kez :love:
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The English language can be a mine field can it not. Even in England with different dialects and accents! I presume the sticker just meant what it said, War is not pro-life, perhaps they should have said, War is anti-life!! Goodness, hope someone else can help, your poor head!
Jesus saves

Well I don't think it means '' war " literally. They're just stating that instead of us ( pro life promoters )fighting against other people views we should find a common ground. It's politically driven and a camouflage to abortion rights.

Ephesians 4:25
25Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.

Ephesians 6:14
14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,

They call it war, I call it truth.
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Staff Member
I perceive it as possibly two ways: literally war and not literally war. I'm honestly thinking they meant war in a literal sense, hence we have been fighting a war in Iraq and cold-wars for long years now.

Either way, talk is cheap. Truth is costly. By that, I mean Jesus paid a costly price on Calvary, and His truth "shall set you free". How many in this world have chosen truth over worldly wisdom?
Re: I don't understand

I suspect that the bumper sticker you refer to originated in the USA in the Iraq war controversy. I think that the writer of that sticker's message refers to a perceived contradiction in Republican Party politics in this country based on the fact that many of the pro-lifers in the Republican Party also support the war, which the writer views as being "anti-life."

He/she is accusing those people of double-mindedness.


I believe that is quite right.


You too are correct I believe. Yet, I am amazed at the criticism when viewed through the experience of the Bill Clinton - Monica Lewinski situation?!

I will never understand nor accept the idea that that behavior did anything but devalue the office of the President. But, then as Chad has said.."How many have chosen the way of God's truth?
I suspect that the bumper sticker you refer to originated in the USA in the Iraq war controversy. I think that the writer of that sticker's message refers to a perceived contradiction in Republican Party politics in this country based on the fact that many of the pro-lifers in the Republican Party also support the war, which the writer views as being "anti-life."

He/she is accusing those people of double-mindedness.

Yes, that's how I understand the message, also. However, a true understanding of the Iraqi war does not show double-mindedness, for it is to save innocent lives that we fight. Freedom isn't free, and sometimes requires giving of life in order to save other lives. (Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for a friend.--John 15:13 There is a time for war.--Ecc. 3:8)
Staff Member
Sister Amy, you quoted the perfect Scripture verses regarding fighting for freedom.

In America for example, a lot of people (probably uneducated in the political aspect of things) hate President Bush because of the Iraqi war. One of the biggest argument of theirs is about saving the lives of the soldier. We certainly cannot disagree with saving their lives. However, these courageous heroes, our soldiers *willfully* out of their own choice, not by force...chose to go to war to support freedom, to fight for freedom and save lives of the innocent.

Its bloody, costly and the last resort. Its the world we live in.