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Getting into Judges

Staff Member
When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the LORD nor the work which He had done for Israel. Judges 2:10 NKJV

This second book of Israelite history is full of cycles.

After Joshua’s death, most of the Israelite tribes were slow to obey the Lord (chapter 1), and in fact many of the people began chasing after foreign gods (Judges 2:1-13). As a result, the Lord allowed other kingdoms to come in and severely oppress the nation of Israel—to drive them to their knees and back to God (Judges 2:14-3:6).

Because Israel was so apt to chase foreign gods—and so slow to repent and truly obey the Lord—for three hundred years the nation repeatedly went in cycles. They went from (1) spiritual rebellion to (2) political oppression to (3) national repentance to (4) God raising up a judge to deliver them, to another cycle of (1) spiritual rebellion, etc (Judges 3:7; 16:31).

The book ends with appendices describing two of the most graphic examples of Israel’s spiritual rebellion during its first three hundred years in the Promised Land (chapters 17-21).

Before that? Stories about the most famous judges, including Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson.

Prayer: Lord, You want me to heed the clear warning of the book of Judges. I will not rebel against You this week.