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Francis Chan to Missionary

Staff Member
Amazing story, that is just beginning for the Glory of God!
Enjoy and lets prayer for cover over both him and his family.

With the Love of Christ Jesus.

I love me some Francis Chan, reading through some of the comments is very sad. Thanks for sharing Nick
Staff Member
I love me some Francis Chan, reading through some of the comments is very sad. Thanks for sharing Nick
Dear Brother,
I know what you mean about the comments. However, like here at Talk Jesus, I see there the opportunity to touch another person with the Love of the Lord which is especially needed in the secular news circles/comments. There is such a variety of distrust, hate, and a total lack of understanding that when one sees this as a believer. I truly hope that we are able to see it for what it is. A person who is lost. They communicate their own pain/disappointment in the only way they know. Striking back at those of faith, who see only to do/follow God's Will for them in their lives.

So, many times their words are vitriolic, because this is all they have to fall back on that reflects the lost feelings they have pent up inside of themselves. We then as believers if moved by the Spirit of God, should attempt to touch them, with the Love that surpasses the understanding of this World. Using Spirit filled words reflecting the love that God has for them, which if they allow themselves to, would surely fill the emptiness of spirit their words tell us their current state to be in. Too often this is neglected and the only response made to them is as unloving as those the lost have used. Sadly, to often believers will allow there own frustrations to surface at the cost of maybe losing an opportunity to touch one who is lost and searching. Let's pray that we move forward in love, or not at all in these instances.

Thanks for sharing your words. They are reflective of your tender heart that you have. Never lose it brother!
Love you.