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Facts About: Hotdogs

Common hot dog ingredients:

  • Meat by-products and fat
  • Flavorings, such as salt, garlic, and paprika
  • Preservatives (cure) - typically sodium erythorbate and sodium nitrite
In the US, if variety meats, cereal or soy fillers are used, the product name must be changed to "links" or the presence must be declared as a qualifier.
Pork and/or beef are the traditional meats used in hot dogs. Less expensive hot dogs are often made from chicken or turkey, using low cost mechanically separated chicken. Hot dogs often have high sodium, fat and nitrite content, ingredients linked to health problems. Changes in meat technology and dietary preferences have led manufacturers to use turkey, chicken, vegetarian meat substitutes, and to lower the salt content.
If a manufacturer produces two types of hot dogs, "wieners" tend to contain pork and are blander, while "franks" tend to be all beef and more strongly seasoned.

An American Institute for Cancer Research report found that consuming one 50-gram serving of processed meat — about one hot dog — every day increases risk of colorectal cancer by 20 percent. The Cancer Project group filed a class-action lawsuit demanding warning labels on packages and at sporting events. Hot dogs are high in fat and salt and have preservatives sodium nitrate and nitrite, believed to cause cancer. According to the AICR, the average risk of colorectal cancer is 5.8 percent, but 7 percent when a hot dog is consumed daily over years.
Hot dogs have relatively low heterocyclic amines (HCA) levels compared to other types of ready-to-eat meat products, because they are manufactured at low temperatures.
No problem :) I will start posting how
a certain food item is made too.
I posted this about hotdogs because I was tired
of my family saying that they were made of random
parts of the animals and real dogs. It's not true.
Sure they are still unhealthy...but there isn't pig's feet
or cow tongue in there. ;)
lol i'll need to start showing my aunt this . She needs some facts.

No problem :) I will start posting how
a certain food item is made too.
I posted this about hotdogs because I was tired
of my family saying that they were made of random
parts of the animals and real dogs. It's not true.
Sure they are still unhealthy...but there isn't pig's feet
or cow tongue in there. ;)