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Embracing God’s Boundaries of Blessing

Staff Member
Not with our fathers did the LORD make this covenant, but with us, who are all of us here alive today. Deuteronomy 5:3 ESV

How do you view the Ten Commandments? No, not the classic movie, but the real thing found in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5.

Culturally people often view the Ten Commandments as God’s idealistic yet impossible demands for His people long, long ago. Then, as now, people want to do their own thing, their own way, without anyone or anything interfering with their choices.

If only people could see the Ten Commandments as God’s boundaries of blessing. After all, each of the Ten Commandments protects God’s people from serious error, terrible harm, unbearable heartache, and severe loss. Invest tens of thousands of dollars worshipping false gods? Bad idea. Work long hours seven days a week to get ahead? Another bad idea. Take a former neighbor to court on false charges and commit perjury? Super bad idea.

After nearly thirty-five hundred years, God’s Ten Commandments are more relevant than ever. Each and every one continues to offer God’s rich blessings.

Prayer: Lord, You want me to never tire of enjoying what You mean for my good. Thank You for the way You designed the Ten Commandments.