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Duty to others before duty to self

Back Ground: My son is severely non verbal 9 year old Autistic very loving and a blessing. My wife of 25 years is sick with stag three bone cancer multiple myeloma.

All my life I have out others before me. Mainly, im no saint, the fly in the ointment at times. A wineskin in the smoke. My problem is for the longest time I have put others before me. My bloodlines have breed people like me for generations I have discovered when hunting for clues to my past family history years ago.

This constant battle has worn on me but Im army trained to keep going no stoping. I had skipped a few mental health appointments went my wife started her chemo. Decided to get to one on the 20th last month. Got hit from behind by a van while crossing the street legally. no damage serious surprising I was knock out for a moment. Some ache in knee and leg met with a lawyer yesterday.

Long short I set up appointment for pain doctor to help determine what is causing the pain. I planned on going wanted to go I use to walk alot now half distance has me looking for my aspirin but when I woke this morning I felt guilty that I was going to do something ;like this for my self when so many others needs needed to be done. We are a poor family so I have to do alot. What is it that causes duty to others before duty to self.
Keep your doctors appointment. And keep your lawyer aware of what your doctors say concerning your pain. An empty glass cannot overflow or share into other glasses.
This esteeming others better than self is a good thing, but...

"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves." Phil 2:3

It doesn't mean to neglect yourself:

"A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast:..." Prov 12:10

Our "beast" is our own body, which God gave to us, not as owners, but as stewards. We must be good stewards or suffer the consequences when He returns for his due, which He will... See Luke 19:12-27 [parable of stewardship].