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dental problem

my teeth are protruding and my jaw comes forward while my chin goes back.ther are uneven ..gums are packed up with extra teeth..so there is no gap in the gums...the doctors said that it is complicated..there is a cyst in the jaw..please pray for a miracle to happen for me where my mouth is perfect with a beautiful smile..
Staff Member
Greetings @brave

Praying that your whole face and smile will shine brightly with the love and beauty of Jesus in your life which has is far more important than any physical transformation.

Will also pray that for healing of the problems you have with your teeth and jaw.

Keep trusting, praying and praising....He will not let you down


Blesss the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Psalm 103:1
I am also praying that God will help your situation to make you exactly as He wants you to be.