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daily Bible study

Hey this is to all you teenagers out there. Have you ever really wanted to get closer to God but some of the things just dont work out? and when you do, you slack of and dont really stick with it? Well for a while now i've really wanted to start a bible study with my friends or just with anyone, but it's not exactly working. I cant really stick with study by myself, i slack off. do you guys ever feel this way? what do you do about it? How did you resolve the problem if you did and what made it easier for you to study everyday? well write back soon, bye
Your sis in Christ, Tanya
Get a christian friend to check up on you and as soon as you slack off then they will shout at you. This works both ways for both participants...
Yes, but that's kind of hard to do. I've been trying but for some reason it just doesn't work. well thanks anyway.
I will be your partner we can check on one another everyday and we can occassionally have bible studies together if you want.


Hi Tanya, for the last few years a few guys talked about doing a guys group. A home group.
We talked about it and talked about it. Finally we did it. Half the guys said that they would come never turned up. That was ok. The main thing we did was make sure that it was on the at the same time each week. That it started on time. That we had a study to do.
And that we have a quality prayer time. We don't have prayer points. We bring them up in the prayer time. We allow a lot of silence in our prayer time for people to pray. Last week it was silent for the first 5 minutes and then the guys started praying and the prayer time lasted half an hour. It was refreshing. The group has gone from strength to strength.
Last week a guy who has dropped out of church turned up. He opened his heart and shared how he became disappointed with his church and hasn't been for a few years.
He is going to start to fellowship again by coming to the group.
I cannot imagine not having a home group to go to. I attend 2 groups. A lot of growth comes from the interaction with other christains. I learn so much from the other members of the group. I hope that you can get together with some friends and have a homegroup together.
it is worth the effort :)
that's so cool, i'm happy for you guys. Part of the reason it's so hard is becuase i'm young and all my friends live out of the city. and even then, i dont think we'd be able to get together as much. it was a good idea, but it wont work unless i move to closer to them, which might happen some day. who knows... but i'm working, well trying to anyway, on a group in school. hopefuly something works out. well thanks for your support.