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chain of events

There was a tribe of indinas that went to the Chief to see what kind of a winter they would have..........Not knowing for sure He told them to gather wood....while their out He calls the National Weather Service and asks How will our winter be ..? they said kinda cold maybe snow. so when the tribe comes back He says ..It might be real cold better find more wood.! while thier out He calll the NWS again and says ok how bad will it be ? they say lookin real cold and maybe ice ! So He tells the tribe a third time find all the wood you can and calls the NWS one more time and asks again exactley how bad will it be ?..they say the worst winter ever..He says how do you know this?....They say the indians are gathering wood like crasy.... :shock: a merry heart does good like a medicne.......REV
Staff Member
That's hysterical lol. Thanks for sharing a good laugh :)

That's how reliable the weather service probably is lol