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Back to School: Get to the Classroom

Staff Member

Back to School: Get to the Classroom

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.
Acts 2:42

Recommended ReadingHebrews 10:24-25

The Internet has created "distance learning." It's possible for college and graduate students to take many, if not most, of their classes "in their pajamas" -- through the convenience of their computer. But as this trend has grown, many students have discovered they don't like the isolation; they prefer the "old fashioned" community of education via the traditional classroom.

God never intended for Christian education to occur in isolation either. Every Christian is part of a spiritual body, the body of Christ that only works as designed when Christians meet together. Each believer brings to the community what God has been doing in his or her life to share with others. Each brings his or her spiritual gift(s) to serve and build up the Body. The weekly meeting of the Church on the Lord's Day -- a practice established immediately upon the birth of the Church at Pentecost -- is "required attendance" for Master's Degree students.

Make sure you are part of the regular meetings of the Body of Christ in your community. Those weekly meetings, and other gatherings, are God's classroom for growth.

Sunday should strike the keynote for the week.

J. Wilbur Chapman

Matthew 5:27 -- 9:38