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“The Cross and the Red Sea”

Hey All, I was wondering if we can discuss the cross over from the Slavery of Egypt into the Sinai Desert that would eventually lead them to the Promised Land?
It is known the Lord is known to repeat what He has said or done but not always in the same words or the same exact thing but in parallel.
The Red Sea is like the cross that Jesus placed His life. This is because Jesus shed his red blood for us.
The children of Israel went from slavery to being free. The New Testament tells us we are bondage in sin but Christ Jesus may set us free.
Let’s talk about the crossing over of the Red Sea and the comparisons of Jesus Christ in his blood we are set free. . I will also expound some more observations of the Red Sea and the comparison to God. It is a devotional I wrote at one forum but decided to try to make this a discussion.