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  1. 1

    Not looking at CNN.com anymore!

    I try not to watch CNN or any other mainstream news source - hopefully the reasons for this are obvious by now.
  2. 1

    Must A Christain Be Perfect To Enter Into Heaven?

    One must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to get into heaven. No more, no less.
  3. 1

    Yoga: Okay for Christians or not?

    The body is the temple of the lord - why wouldn't it be okay for us to engage in activities which are scientifically proven to improve the body's ability to function? Also, there seems to be some misunderstandings regarding meditation. Meditation is only the act of clearing your mind - and...
  4. 1

    Addiction to electronics

    You're not addicted to electronics His thoughts must become our thoughts,- we will ultimately move in the direction of our most dominate thought. (Proverbs 23:7) God cannot use a person that is not yielded to His way. You're not addicted to electronics. You're addicted to...
  5. 1

    I got this problem in my church..

    If I were you I'd consider finding a new church. I find it somewhat disturbing if no one's told the pastor or the pastor-to-be about their feelings. Obviously they both want people to stay at the church and if you tell them how you feel this issue should be resolved soon.
  6. 1

    Soo...."bad" words....

    It comes down to this: Do you derive your morality from your personal experiences, the Bible, or your society? You can't derive your morality from the Bible on this issue because "foolish talk" and "coarse joking" are all matters of speculation, and often have to do with your society. If...