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Improving your Romance

I'm not really sure why this came to my mind yesterday, but it seems to be a strong in my mind.
Distractions that come into our relationship with our spouses can seem like very simple little things. A primary example of this are the romance novels that many women like to read.

Ladies I would strongly ask you to take those romance novels and put them in the trash. When your husband and you are intimate it's difficult for the husband to compete with the romance novel that's already in your mind.

There are many other things it caused us to separate ourselves from our spouses. I would think for Many Men it would be the video games. There is a plethora of games in the world today. And all to keep us occupied on our free time.

One more thing when our minds are so active with so many distractions. It becomes more difficult to concentrate on the one thing that we really do care about.