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Struggling Marriage and Emotional Abuse

God tells us that the only guidlines for divorce is infidelity.
If there is verbal or physical abuse going on, then counseling needs to be started as soon as possible.
risen1, it is indeed a command to submit to your husband. But nowhere in the Scriptures did it say a woman has to remain in an abusive situation. I advise any women in abuse situations to physically separate themselves from their husbands and pray that God bring them to repentance.

There is no need for divorce, just physical separation. It is not right and unbiblical to advise women to continuously put themselves in harm’s way when it is perfectly possible to exercise physical separation without breaking marriage bonds. The damage of abuse is often spiritual and can seriously affect a person’s walk with God. Who are we to encourage abused women to continue living under such harm?
Separate, but let it be know to the departing spouse, male or female be “reconcile” or remain single. And refrain from all the appearance of evil. If you are a child of God , no one have to explain what that means. Deny yourself and walk in obedience of the word of God. Not my will but thy will be done. The path is narrow and hard, stay on the path. And let no one convince you to depart. This is an evil world. Galatians 1: 3-4 KJV.