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Will You Yield?

Time sheds its tears
-In yesterdays
-In yesteryears.

Those times are not here,
No, they do not last.
So look ahead,
But don't look past;

The one who calls
Your heart to kneel
In fields of glory,
Through hope that is real.

So much of life's story
Can be overcome
By God the Father,
Spirit, Son.

Jesus wants
Your heart to be healed.
Let it be
To Him you yield!

His love for you
Is like no other.
His love for you
No one can smother.

In a way you've never seen before
Jesus is the way, truth, life, and more.
There is no other, of that be sure,
Who can ease the way, open the door,
To Heaven’s gate, to Heaven’s shore.

So give way to Him, do not delay!
Yield to Him, this very day.
And oh, your heart He will array
With grace, with love, with desire to pray.
Yield to Him, oh please say yeah!
Your heart with Him can trust, can stay.


Nowadays society tries to tell you things like your mom/dad were this, so you will be. Peoples perceptions are all skewed. When our gaze is fixed on Christ life comes into perspective and we can hold fast to Him as he heals us. Thank you, Lord for making us new. There is no history in our life that you can't turn toward good, and we praise You.